Ask Alen - #15 (The Official Babbler) ♡

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Dear Alen,

Hey! The only people I have told this was my friends and they all felt sorry for me. The thing is, I don't want pity. I want an answer. My cousins are always calling my fat/lesbian/slut/whore/etc. They constantly insult me and my - and their - parents do nothing about it. Alot of my family has been dying lately and sometimes I wish it was me instead. Not just because my cousins call me a lesbian/fat - I'm perfectly fine with my body and I swear I'm not a lesbian, I've had quite a few boyfriends to prove it - it's also my parents. My parents got divorced when I was five and my dad quickly remarried. Him and his new wife have two daughters and I love them and his wife. My mom remarried four years ago and her husband, although he is funny, he's a know-it-all, body-builder, too-muscly, philosophy professor who is also ten years older than my mom. He always turns the argument around so that it seems like it's my moms fault and he is the victim. I hate that he does that. He talks about me and my brother in front of us - things like how he wants to slap the sh** out of us - and in front of my mom and she does nothing about it. It's not her fault though. If she tries to stand up for us he gets all defensive. Please help. -The Official Babbler

Hi, The Official Babbler!

I think that what you should do is talk to your mom. Let her know that he is bad for her, you and her siblings. I'm not saying that this will happen, but there is a possibility that he can use his strength to control you guys.

I want to help you, I really do, but unfortunately, I'm not holding your answer. What I hold, however, is a step forward to your answer. You have to tell someone. I see this as a serious matter, and it needs some handling. Not by me, or you. But by your mother, and even your father. This concerns your situation, and your siblings.

Before you say anything, please go to your mom and let her know. In the process, tell her about how you feel about the teasing and how she doesn't defend you. She needs to know about these kinds of things, and you need to fix it together. She should stand up, and rightfully so. And afterwards, maybe you can move in with your dad, just for your safety. He is your father, after all. As long as you've informed your mom.

This really is serious, honey, and I hope you can take this with your mom, and afterwards with someone else. I'm not assuming or anything, but I also don't want to lead you to any kinds of trouble. If you think you can talk to your stepdad, then give it a go. But if you're too scared, then talk to your mom. You shouldn't be afraid to walk around or say something in your own home.

I support you in every decision you make, good luck!

xo, alen.

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