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BEFORE READING: please, please, please listen to the song 'fate' by lee sun hee while reading this chapter on replay. It makes it a thousand times more dramatic, trust me. 

The next day after school finished, Seunghyun met up with the gang and asks in a smirk "you ready?" 

The group of more then ten people then got into position to fight and Seunghyun went at them one on one. 

When Seunghyun was beating one person, another person would come from behind and try hitting him from the back. But Seunghyun could hear the people coming to attack him from the back and hit them before they could hit him. 

Twenty minutes into the fight Seunghyun already had half of them either knocked out or had left the fight. 

"Stop wimping out!" A man still fighting Seunghyun says, throwing him a punch but Seunghyun dodged. 

"You bastard!" A different man yells from behind, planning on kicking one of Seunghyun's legs to make him fall, but Seunghyun jumped so the guy would miss. 

Seunghyun was fighting ten people at once and was starting to get out of breath. His vision was getting blurry and wobbly but he ignored it and continued to fight. 

As Seunghyun gave another guy a punch in the face it knocked him out, making the man fall to the floor. Seunghyun continued to heavily breathe, looking around him to see blurry blobs coming towards him. 

The things people were speaking to him came out in muffles, he couldn't understand what anyone was saying. He was throwing punches at every blurry blob that came towards him and he tried focusing on his hearing, to hear if someone was coming from behind him. 

As Seunghyun was going to throw another punch to the person in front of him he heard a loud bang and a sudden pain was inflicted in his side.

Seunghyun then slowly looked down, blinking a couple times to clear his vision and as he could now see clearly, he saw the side of his stomach was bleeding. 

He then placed his hand over the wound and saw dark red blood smeared onto his hand.

Seunghyun then looked up at the direction the wound had come from  and saw a man holding a gun in his direction. 

Seunghyun was surprised and confused. He felt pain all over his body, but the only numbness was in the side where he got shot. 

Seunghyun fell to one knee, not being able to take the pain. Everyone fighting him soon ran away from the scene, carrying the bodies who were unconscious around Seunghyun away as well. 

Seunghyun then fell to both knees. He could feel the blood come out of him and it was like he couldn't even call for help. His side hurt and tears started to fill his eyes. 

"I don't want to die like this, this isn't what I wanted..." Seunghyun faintly says, but as he turned his head, seeing a light it was a car coming towards him. After watching the car get closer and closer, the headlights becoming more brighter he got hit. 

Jiyong was sitting in his room, studying from one of his textbooks when he felt a horrible feeling in his stomach. "Something's wrong" Jiyong says to himself in a serious tone. 

Jiyong was going to leave the house but as he was putting his shoes on, his father came up behind him and asks "where're you going Jiyong, you should be studying in your room." 

"I just need to get something from the store, I'll be right back" Jiyong says in a lie. Trying to get out of the house as fast as possible but his father grabbed his shoulder so he couldn't leave. 

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