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Juliet's POV

//hello precious flowers I'm going to put a trigger warning on this chapter cos it deals with self harm, which may be mentioned in the rest of this book, but it's not really a major part of the plot like it was in TLBYE.  So yea if you're easily triggered than don't read it ily guys//

I flexed my fingers.  The cast had came off today and everything still felt kind of weird.  There was still a brace on my wrist, but it didn't obscure my movement as much as the cast did.  At least I can hold a camera now.

There was a knock at the door to the bus.  I didn't bother answering it.  It was probably just the crew.

"Jay?" I heard Joey call from the front of the bus.  I jumped up to greet him.  Hayden was also there.

"Joey!  Hayden!" I shouted excitedly and hugged Joey, "I missed you so much!"  Joey let go of me and grinned.  He had braces now.  I bet he's thrilled about that.

"I missed you too!"  Hayden called from over my shoulder.  I hugged her too.  She seems like a really nice kid.

"How did you get here?" I asked them, "Why?  What?  I mean, this so cool, but how?"  Nobody had informed me that this was going to happen.  Usually I'm informed of these things.

"Patrick took us," Joey explained, "Gerard and Lindsey are back home.  We're only here for the night, we're flying back tomorrow."

"This is so cool.  I'm so happy."  My friends are here.  Oh my God I've missed Joey so much.  I love hanging out with Dani and all, but Joey is my best friend.

Patrick popped his head in the doorway, "Hey Jay, good to see you.  Joey, can I see you for a sec?"

Joey went off the bus with Patrick so it was just me and Hayden.  We talked for a while about mostly music.  Hayden likes a lot of different bands, some I've heard of, some I hadn't.

"Can I use the bathroom really quick?" Hayden asked me.

"Yeah, sure," I said and pointed to the back of the bus, "It's over there."

Hayden nodded and headed back there.  I took out my phone and scrolled through twitter for a little while.  Alex had let me get a twitter a few days ago and already I had almost 5 thousand followers.  I try to follow some of them back and answer any questions they have for me.

 @JayATL What's it like living with All Time Low??

They're really smelly and gross and I hate all of them.  Jk on the last part.  But never use the shower after Jack

@JayATL Does Alex have any annoying habits?

@AlexAllTimeLow Stop being an asshole and eating the pop tarts that I clearly labeled "JAY'S POP TARTS DO NOT EAT UNLESS YOU ARE JAY (THAT MEANS YOU ALEX)"

@JayATL Is Rian a cool mom like he says he is?

He is the coolest mom.

I looked at the clock on my phone.  Almost 15 minutes have passed and Hayden was still in the bathroom.  Maybe I should go check on her.  I knocked on the door.

"Hayden?  You okay in there?  You've been in there a while."

No answer.  I jiggled and twisted the handle to the door.  Soon enough, the lock gave out.  I opened the door.  Hayden was standing at the sink, sharp red lines ran up her arm.  Oh shit.

"Jay, it's not what it looks like-" Hayden tried to cover it up and pull down her sleeve.  I grabbed her right wrist with all the strength I had as she tried to struggle free.  I'm not letting her get out of this one.  I have to know what the hell happened.

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