She had never really appreciated how beautiful the stars were at night until today. Seeing as she was living in the country in north Texas, she never really noticed the stars because they were always there. She knew no other life. But, she looked at them in a sort of child like wonder tonight, she didn't know why. She laughed as she thought that it might be because she is growing up. Being the silly, quirky, sixteen year old she was, she knew that growing up would not be a part of her immediate agenda. Growing up though, she would find is just around the corner for her.
Her eyes were a bright shade of ocean blue, her hair was as black as the night, and she was unknowingly gorgeous. Her body type wasn't awkward, in fact, it was a little mature for her age but in this moment, laying under the stars, all she could think about was her first day of school tomorrow. When she had thought of every bad thing that might go wrong on her first day of junior year, she shivered and went inside of her fairly large house.
The next day was just as terrifying as she thought it would be. She was wearing skinny jeans, flats, and a cardigan. Her big glasses sat just above the tip of her nose, making her look like a librarian, and her coal black hair was curled and long, flowing down her back like a black waterfall. She sat on the stairs to the school and she recognized a friendly voice shouting her name, "Amanda! Hey Amanda!" Those blue eyes of hers shot up to find a boy who she knew to be her best friend. He wore baggey jeans, a black sweatshirt, and a black tee shirt that read; "Fall Out Boy" in big, red letters but a friendly, warm, smile that helped her to relax a little.
She smiled back at him and said; "Do I know you, Jack?" and they started to talk of familiar things when, suddenly, a girl appeared from behind him. She wasn't talking to anybody and she stood by herself. But, just as Amanda was going to say something, the bell ringed and the mysterious girl disappeared.
Amanda could not get this mystery girl out of her head. She remembered every detail of her, even though she just saw her for a couple of seconds. The girl had been wearing a tight fitting leather jacket, ripped jeans, black boots, and an AC/DC shirt that had been torn a little at the bottom. She had sandy blonde hair, a bigger body frame then Amanda's, making it obvious that she works out, pearly white teeth, and Amanda could have sworn that she had two different coloured eyes; one blue, and one green.