Victoria looked at her girlfriend confused and scared. "You don't remember?" She asks. "No. I just walked into Math class and now I'm here." She responded. "Well you walked into the classroom and started to scream, cry, and mumble about 'The Clown' and then you just backed out. I'm worried about you." Amanda stopped. She realized what made her nightmares so scary. It wasn't just how the dreams had less color and were distorted, but the blurred faces of the people around them were smiling. Not just normal, happy grins, but full smiles. All of their teeth showed and the smiles went from ear to ear and everyone's eyes were wide open. She remembered this now and started to cry. Victoria's eyes widened with fear and she started to try to talk some sense into Amanda but she couldn't hear her through the sobs. Amanda woke up again to see her girlfriend asleep beside her bed in a hospital chair. Amanda shook Victoria awake and said that she could get in bed with her. They slept next to each other for the rest of the night. In the morning, they both woke up frightened by the nightmares. That's the day that they realized that they were both having the same nightmares.