Amanda was playing with her pencil in fifth period Algebra 2, when her heartbeat grew faster at the sight of the mystery girl. She was just walking in and Amanda noticed that the seat next to her was the only one that was empty. The mystery girl flashed a devilish smile at Amanda before she plopped her stuff down at the dreaded last seat.
The mystery girl introduced herself as Victoria but Amanda stayed quiet and did not introduce herself, which, of course, pissed Victoria off. Victoria also couldn't take her mind off of this girl and tried to communicate during the class period but got nothing. They both just stayed like that for weeks and Victoria had to learn Amanda's name from the teacher. They were crushing on each other, but Victoria definantly made it more obvious.
Finally, Victoria had gotten tired of it and gave Amanda her number during a lecture and whipspered to her, "I can't do this anymore. You are too damn hot; can't pass up on a chance like that." And she gave Amanda a small wink and smiled as she saw Amanda's face get redder and redder. Amanda sat in her room later that night doing homework while glancing at the phone number on the strip of paper. She twitched a little and resolved to call Jack. She knew that he would help. Jack knew that she was a lesbian and he was one of two people. It was him, and now, Victoria.
Jack listened to Amanda talk for a while and then, he interrupted her and told her to hang up the phone with him and to just call her. When Amanda didn't hang up, Jack resolved to do it instead. Victoria was drinking a beer while waiting for Amanda to call. Her dad didn't really care that she was drinking because he did the same and was not one to be a hippocrate. Victoria thought about this for a while and then her phone rang.