Chapter 5

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  Amanda and Victoria had a great time at the skating rink. They ate lots of food, skated together, and Victoria even did some karaoke, pointing at Amanda while she was singing.
   They soon realized that it was late and Victoria took drove Amanda home for the evening. But before Amanda could hop off of the motorcycle, Victoria turned around and kissed her. Amanda had never felt so amazing in her life. Amanda left and Victoria drove herself back home. The both could only think of each other until they fell asleep.
  Victoria dreamed of Amanda. Victoria dreamed of the way she walked, the way she smiled, the way she smelled, and how she would stare at Victoria when she thought Victoria wasn't looking. Victoria had nice dreams that night and they were all about Amanda.
  Amanda dreamed of Victoria. She dreamed of the way Victoria pretended to be tough when really, she was just a sweetheart. She dreamed of Victoria's multicolored eyes and how one of them was a bright blue like the sky and the other was a forest green.
  But, that is also when Amanda started having the other dreams. They were dreams about the date but they became darker as the night progressed and there was always a sort of uneasiness that made Amanda very afraid. The people in the background stopped looking like people and frankly, Amanda had no words to describe it. There was less color as the night progressed and she started hearing voices.
   She woke up shaking from head to toe. As she started to sit up, she noticed that her bed was drenched in sweat and that she could not stop shaking. And that is how it started. Just a simple love story. Innocent to the torment of the future.

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