The awkward moment when cupid falls in love...

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Hi. I'm vanillatte. I'm writing this book cuz I really wanted to post this on wattpad.

I am writing it with grios67, my friend and I am crossing my fingers for luck in this story!

Remember: Recote, please???

Read(please), Comment(suggestions, mistakes, etc) and Vote(pretty please)

And if you can, can u fan us both(me and grios 67)????{p.s grios67 is waaaay better than me. k?}


P.S. I'd like to thank TheWanderLuster for making the awesome cover!



 Hey I am grios67 and im writing this awsome story with vanillatte THE BEST AUTHOR EVER!!!

 I am crossing my finger as well

Recote please


The awkward moment when cupid falls in love... (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now