There he was

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It had taken us a while to leave as becca decided to get the bar mans number before we could even think about setting foot outside.
As we were walking away from the venue I heard a voice calling my name, I turned to see Rydel beckoning me to come inside from stage door.
I looked at Rebecca and she looked at me and she nodded her head as if to give me "approval" we then walked towards Rydel.
Instantly of course we were greeted with a huge hug before she led us inside. Rocky and Ryland were in the dressing room she led us too and they soon got up and greeted us.
Stormie and mark came in followed by Ross a minute later and suddenly so many memories came back. It seemed like only yesterday we were surfing together and I started to realise how much I had truly missed them all.
But there was one person who was absent from this reunion. And guess who that was?
Everyone was talking and Rebecca was over with rocky and Ross and I was talking to Stormie and Ryland when Rydel pulled me too one side.
"Um Jess do you mind if I speak to you one second?" She asked motioning for me to go with her in the sort of corridor ,
"Yeah sure" I replied willingly walking out with her.
"Now I know it's been ages since the whole you and Riker thing, and he's honestly so nervous to see you again but I think it would be good for you guys to talk," she said walking down the corridor with me,
"Um I don't know I mean it's been like 3 years he probably won't even recognise me let alone want to talk to me again," I said looking down at my shoes.
"Well look just come in here with me a second," she motion for me to go through the door.
I went through a little confused, anxious and nervous all at once .
And there he was

A/n so I haven't wrote in a while but here's another chapter for you guys I hope you like it, let me know what you think of it so far and whether you want me to continue and if so how often do you want me to update ? Love you all - e xx

The last 3 years - a r5/riker lynch fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now