soulmates & places

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Marks pov

I want you to make a little list up in that brain of yours, of all the places you could meet your soulmate. Possible responses that I very much am expecting;

coffee shop! a park bench! they could be that kid that sits alone at lunch!

ok yeah, that lucky winner of your heart could technically be anywhere. they could be in your backyard for all I know. go check I'll wait.

hey, that tree has feelings, you never know.

anyways, while compiling that list, did you happen to think up, I don't know, a broken elevator?

if you did, shut up this is my moment.

if you hadn't guessed, that's where I met mine. and I'm not gonna get into the whole cliche 'this is the story of when his eyes and mine first danced the room and connected' kinda shit you were probably expecting in this lil intro.

all I'll tell you, is that it all started off on floor 5.

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