chapter 4

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- this is so short sorry I'm a lazy shit
  Somehow my pathetic attempt at conversation with the green little ethereal being had compelled him to move to my side of the elevator, casually slumping his back against the cold wall. Simply like he was resting beside a good friend. I felt my heart rate increasing by a good million times as he looked up at me, due to him being slightly shorter, and lifted one corner of his mouth into a light hearted smirk.

And that's how hour two started. Just me and my new.. acquaintance I guess, lazily leaned up against an elevator wall.

I was about to shamelessly dip my toe back into the daydreamy thoughts, when my eyes were shaken back wide open by hearing that spritely voice again.

"Okay I fucking hate awkward silences, or being silent in general, so um. How's life my new friend?" He asked, every single aspect of friendliness possible thrown into the tone of the question.

Should I be honest with him? This thought crossed me repeatedly as I stalled with an akward  small laugh and a few 'hmm's and 'um's.

Something about him, this face says I can tell anything to it. Jesus, stop with the cringey thoughts.

"I won't lie, not good." I stop short, seeing concern sink into his eyes and shit why was I honest I hate this sad look he's got now. It's making me sad.

"Yeah um, my grades are the worlds most nauseating roller coaster and stress is eating me like it's ravenous prey feast." I finish, wanting to sink into the metal wall at how pathetic it sounded. Almost just an hour into meeting the guy and I'm giving him the audio version of my diary.

My heart did about 3 loop-ty loops as I felt his hand fall comfortably on my shoulder, and I looked back at him again, embarrassed slightly that I hadn't realized my shift in eye attention.

He does nothing at first but a small, comforting lift of a smile, and there's this look in his eyes that says I really don't know anything but your name, but I care about you.

He gently pats the rested on shoulder twice, slumping his back against the wall like before, before adding a response.

"You know, it's really cool how honest with me you were just then."

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