chapter 2

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As a person who is pretty well in touch with their emotions, I'm usually able to detect them and decide if they're legitimate or what not. Because of this, I was in no way familiar with the feeling of infatuation. Especially when it comes to a complete stranger one has just encountered seconds ago on a college elevator. Another thing I'd like to make clear, I'd never gotten around to really clearly labeling myself, but I'm pretty sure my sexuality mirrored the path of a tire swing. You get the picture.

Due to these two factors, I was an internal mess of screams and sweat and unsure heart eye emojis across from the tiny bundle of blue hoodie wearing adorableness that stood feet away from me in this small confined elevator.

He's not looking at you, he's too busy doing whatever's so compelling on that phone of his. Nows your chance. I thought, hesitantly looking back up at him. I immediately resorted to my true tomato cheeks form, my eyes resting on his prominent eyebrows before I shyly shoved my face back into my instagram feed.

Hey, this college is a big place. For all I know, I may never see him again. I went through about 20 draft thoughts to justify my creepiness before slumping down slightly further into the wall with a silent pout, accepting my lonely fate.

Is the ride to literature always this long or am I just too focused on escaping this ethereal being that's making me heavily question my gender preference?

Before I had time to elaborate on this thought, an ear splitting intercom beep sounded above us, and the voice on the microphone crackled through the speaker.

Due to mild inconvenience , the elevator located on floor three is out of order until approximately 1 pm. Thank you for your patience.

Wow, sure am glad I'm not on that elevator-

Wait. Wait just a fucking second.

My eyes went crazily wide as I realized all too quickly that this was in fact the elevator on floor three, and it was 10 am. I searched for anywhere in the room to express my dread for this news other than the green haired boys face, who was at the moment repeatedly face palming himself, mouthing a few colorful words in between.

What was a few awkward moments in the elevator with a fellow, especially cute peer, was now recently strung into 3 painful hours.

I can't possibly express my complete, utter excitement.

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