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Percy walked down the streets with his friends Piper and Grover. All three held skateboards in their hands, Piper making the decision that she would knock her's against Percy's every so often. They had been hanging out at the skate park all day when his mom, Sally, asked him to come home. He was living with her while he looked for a place to live. The few places he had found that were looking for roommates had questionable characters or the rent was too high for his simple coffee shop job.

He like living with his mom enough, he loved her, she was amazing, but he wanted to be a bit more independant. He had thought about asking online if anyone had an apartment in the area and was looking for a roommate. As soon as he was about to put the notice up, he had decided against it and deleted it.

Piper ran up ahead of him and Grover, laughing. Grover took off, not one to be beat in any type of race. Percy, for the heck of it, decided to follow along with it and kept up with Piper. Grover was too far ahead for him to even want to try. He could really run when he wanted to, but he hadn't one and done track in school.

Percy had met Grover in school and they met Piper shortly after school at one of the skateparks. Grover and her got on well together, both being vegetarians. It was a nice little trio to be apart of.

Grover was sat outside of Percy's apartment when he and Piper arrived, head leaned back against the door. Piper helped haul him off the floor as Percy shuffled around his pockets to find his keys. He grinned triumphantly when he found them, sticking the metal into the lock and letting the three into the not-so-tidy apartment. He toed off his shoes while the other two left theirs on.

He found his mom in the living room, sitting on the couch with his step-dad Paul. Sally was holding a paper in her hands.

"Hi Mom," Percy said, slouching over the back of the couch. Both Piper and Grover greeted her similarly. Sally turned and smiled at all of them.

"Percy, I know how you've been looking for an apartment for a while." She started slowly. Percy nodded, glancing at the paper she had set of the arm of the couch. His black hair fell into his eyes and he pushed it back. "I saw a boy around your age put this up at the restaurant Paul and I ate at for lunch. I thought you might want to look into it."

Percy grabbed to paper. It was an advert for a roommate. The rent was reasonably low, though he guessed that that was because of the size of the apartment mixed with the fact that two people would be paying for it. He bit his lip and scanned the page once again before folding it and tucking it into one of his pockets.

Grover checked the time and rushed out with a hurried goodbye. He must have had some shift that he forgot he had to work. Piper left after him, closing the door softly behind her. Percy waved awkwardly to his mom and grabbed his skateboard before heading to his room.

It was a small room. Pictures were posted with poster putty to the walls and a few swim trophies were on his dresser. The bed took up a substantial amount of space. Blue bedsheets and pillowcases, a dark wooden dresser, and photos were what his room was made up of and Percy didn't mind all that much.

He grabbed his laptop from under his bed where it was charging. Like he had done many times before, he logged into his e-mail and checked it, nothing of interest popping up. He hesitantly dragged his cursor over to the red compose button. He quickly typed in the address and wrote a short message regarding the roommate availability paper.

After hitting send, not expecting to receive anything back for a couple hours at least, Percy hit his most used bookmark. He was greeted with a grey blog page, A-Chase written in bold purple at the top. She had updated, as she did every Saturday afternoon, with many pictures and a post. He read through the post, internally freaking out that she had moved to New York that week after staying just outside the city with her mother.

He flipped over to the photo gallery, a collection labeled 'Trip Around the City'. He looked at the oddly tinted stoplight, converse against pavement, a red coat against the outside of a grey building, and picture aimed over a multitude of taxis. Percy liked seeing things from her point of view. She made anything an aesthetic. These were things that he saw every day but with something different to them.

He clicked the arrow button leading to the next picture and his breathing and heartbeat stopped. The last picture in the collection was of three people, skateboards at their sides. One with a black undercut, one with haphazardly chopped brown hair, and one with curls and a goatee. Percy's face nearly touched the screen as he studied it. A-Chase, the person he followed and saw every picture, read every word of every post, had taken a picture of him, Piper and Grover. She had seen them and decided to take a picture. She had not only taken a picture of them but she had thought that it was good enough to put up on her page.

Percy clicked on the comment bar, and when he pressed the enter key, 'nice pictures, as always' showed up right next to his username, 'persea-j'. Other comments showed up under his, agreeing with his sentiments. One person asked whether A-Chase had gotten permission to photograph the people in the picture. He wasn't sure about Piper or Grover, but he sure was okay with it. A-Chase knew who he was, in a sense.

He opened a new tab and re-checked his e-mail. Finding nothing new he closed his laptop and left the apartment with his wallet and keys to find something to do.


Hey, here was one in Percy's POV. I don't know how often I'll be switching between the two. The 'persea-j' username was not my idea I saw it on tumblr. Hope you liked Chapter 2.

Word Count: 1041

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