Mocking Multi-Grain Cheerios

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Annabeth sat at her desk, scrolling through the comments on her pictures as she did often. A lot of people commented the generic 'omg amazing more please!' while others wrote out what they actually thought of the photos. She liked reading those longer ones. They felt more personal and provided constructive criticism. Sometimes people commented aesthetics of theirs and she'd take a photo for them if she particularly liked the idea. Her eyes glanced at the short messages and danced on the longer ones.

An empty bowl sat at her elbow. She stared down the offender before grabbing it and walking over into the 'kitchen'. It was just a little space on the other side of the door than the living room space. There was a tiny counter that was taken over mostly by a sink where she stowed the bowl, filling it with water like she had gotten used to doing as a child. The stove wasn't anything fancy, and the fridge was fine.

She pulled the hairband out of her hair and raked at the curls to flatten them a bit. No one was going to be coming over, she didn't feel the need to make it look presentable and actually comb it. On the off chance Jason or some other neighbor decided to stop by, she'd just feign sleeping. Or that she wasn't there. Either way worked just fine.

The office chair was cold again when she sank back into it. Annabeth pressed down the refresh button, looking over the comments for the pictures again before flipping to her post of the week. Fourteen people had liked the post, and Annabeth smiled slightly at the number. She rubbed her eyes, decidedly done with her blog for the day.

The small black arrow on her screen dragged its way over to the 'x' at the top of the page and highlighted it red. Annabeth tapped the track pad and spun around in her chair, looking over her apartment. There wasn't much to do, and she had only been there a day. She eyed the stack of books to her left, looking over titles and jogging her memory of which ones she liked better. She grabbed the top book from the pile and set up one of the bungee chairs, locking all the joints of the red rope contraption into place before sitting in it.

She read the book until the natural light was meandering along the border of just too dark to easily make out the letters. Her eyes hurt and she had to shove her glasses up her nose a couple times as she decided that she was too lazy to go put in her contacts. The book, already battered from being read a couple times, was dropped to her side as got up.

She stumbled into the kitchen, her legs wobbly after sitting down for so long. Her hands found their way into the fridge and grabbed the carton of milk. As she hadn't done any substantial food shopping yet, which she really should have, she was having cereal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner today. Yum. The purple box of Multi-Grain Cheerios mocked her as she spilled the cereal into a bowl. Definitely needed to do some good shopping. Maybe tomorrow.

Annabeth spooned the circular oats in her mouth, frowning as the resident or residents above her started playing music. Loudly. She rolled her eyes and ate the rest of her not really a dinner.

She padded into her room and changed into her pajamas, clothes being thrown into the hamper in her closet. The music was still going, bass beats pulsing slightly through the ceiling. The genre of music wasn't exactly Annabeth's cup of tea either. It was pop with an edge to it and she definitely prefered indie. Her nose wrinkled a bit at their choice of entertainment but was against trying to stop it tonight.

After brushing her teeth and turning off all lights around the apartment, (working her way back to her bedroom because who did it any other way?) Annabeth settled down with her laptop in bed and scrolled through her e-mails. Her mother had sent one, golden star lit up beside the official looking sender name of 'Athena Pello CEO'. Annabeth opened it, finding it just a message of what she'd need to do and be doing and what not to do on the job come Monday.

She already knew all of this. Dress nicely (i.e. a blazer and skirt). Assisting her mother around the office (her mother had told her this in person, why she needed to say this in the e-mail was beyond Annabeth. Why would Annabeth take a job before knowing what the job was?). Absolutely no vulgar language around the office or building (because they were Pellos and Pellos had a reputation to uphold. Annabeth didn't feel like pointing out that she was a Chase and Chases did whatever they damn well pleased, but decided she didn't want to be demoted or fired before work even began).

Picking at a fraying thread on her pajama bottoms, Annabeth read through the e-mail once more, trying to find anything that possibly was of interest for her; anything she didn't know already. She came to the same conclusion as she had from the first read through. Her gaze hovered over the delete but she decided against it and exited from her mother's message, continuing through the list of unread e-mails, mostly just spam that had gotten past the filters. One was an alert for her blog, a notice of a new follower. She deleted that with the rest of the junk messages.

She shut the laptop softly, setting it on the floor and her glasses on top of it. The music had stopped or at least significantly quieted. Both worked for Annabeth. The covers were warm and her pillow soft. The whirring of her mind slowly lessened until sleep finally took over, light from the streets washed over the floor.


Part three is up! Yeah. I got stuck on this one for a while. Should I change the chapter titles to 1-2-3 sort of thing? I think I'm gonna.

Word Count: 1002

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