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His shoes scuffed against the pavement as he looked up at the apartment building. Jason Grace, the guy who had put up a flyer for a roommate, had emailed Percy back late last night and told him to swing by anytime after ten. It was currently five minutes after and he was nervous. What if the guy didn't like him? What if the guy was weird and Percy didn't like him?

Percy walked determinedly to the box full of buttons and pressed the one next to 2C.

"Hello?" A woman answered. Now, Percy was known for being a bit oblivious, but he was pretty sure that Jason had been a guy. Not a person of the female variety.

"Um, is this Jason?" He asks slowly. Maybe his girlfriend answered or something?

The answer comes in slow. "Try 2C, not 2D." The person says. Percy looks down at the button he had selected. The label next to it said 2D. Oops. Maybe he should have looked at the labels a bit more before talking to a random lady.

Percy stumbles over a quick thank you and pushed the button to 2C instead. This time, a guy answers it.

"Percy?" He asks. Percy answers with a "Yeah?"

The door unlocks and Percy grabs it, entering the building. The walls are white, it has a small lobby area with a hallway jutting of on one side and a door on the other. He walks down the hallway, finding a staircase just around the corner.

He stares at the 2C on the apartment door when he walks up to it, nervous about meeting Jason, and nervous about possibly moving out. He raises a fist and knocks on it, Jason's voice ringing through the door telling Percy to wait a minute. A door behind him closes, a snap and creak of metal and wood. He looks over his shoulder.

The girl that exits that apartment is blonde. She looks over at him curiously, and Percy can see that she was the one he had called to on accident. He tries to smile apologetically, but it feels tense and strange on his mouth. She pretends not to notice.

The door in from of him opens, a guy with glasses slipping off his nose greets him. If Percy says his name a little louder than necessary as the girl walks past, well, no one would blame him. She was beautiful.

Jason leads him through the doorframe and into a living space that was most definitely lived in. A stack of PlayStation games sat by the tv, and bowls were stacked in the sink in the kitchen. Jason was fun and not completely geeky, like his glasses might cause one to assume, but was very different from Percy's other friends.

"So this would be your room," Jason pushed open a door into a white room. A desk sat in the far corner and posters of bands and comics were still tacked up, but other than that it was ready for Percy to move his stuff in. Jason started rambling as Percy walked around the room, studying the space and where he'd be able to fit everything. "The desk will be out by Tuesday at the latest, my previous roommate is picking it up by then or I'll be bringing it to them."

Percy grinned at him. "So should we go over Roommate Rules?"

Jason's eyebrows shot up. "You want to move in? Really?"

"Yeah, it's nice. You don't seem like you'd be the worst roommate. I can afford the rent. Let's talk rules."

Jason nodded. "Yeah, let's talk rules."

They walked out of the nearly empty room to the filled-to-the-brim living room and sat down. Jason grinned at Percy, a sly tight-lipped smile as he sat on the sofa. Percy sat down on the opposite end and motioned for Jason to say his conditions for the arrangement.

"You know, Percy," He leaned back, looking around the room like he was finally at ease. "You're not so bad yourself."


I'm sorry that this is so short but I've been busy and wanted to get something up. It's a bit filler, really, but it's up! The next part should be a little quicker with the update but no promises.

Word Count: 670

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