Revealing and releasing.

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Kyoko smiled tenderly and leaned into Ren's side, closing her eyes in content as he wraps his arm around her protectively. The chestnut haired woman couldn't be happier, and she can't wait for the next days of filming to arrive; Ren looks down at his girlfriend and grins at her happy face, loving her even more. She looks up at him and his breath is completely taken away, her eyes are bright and liquid like, they kiss without even realizing their faces were so close beforehand. Ren moves to pin her to the couch, gently kissing and expressing his love for her. Kyoko kisses him back with the same amount of passion, bearing her heart to him with a single kiss; Ren wants nothing more than to take her to his bedroom and introduce to her what really happens when you become a woman, but come on! This is Kyoko we're talking about. He breaks the kiss and smiles down at her blushing face lovingly, and she pecks his lips softly, "I love you, Kuon."

He blushes slightly, making her eyes widen, "I love you, too Kyoko."

They kiss again, this time hard and lustfully, but stop things before things get to something neither of them are quite ready for, yet. Then, Kyoko, gets a glint in her eyes that speaks mischief, "Do you want to see my baby?"


She cracks up, "My motorcycle, do you want to see my motorcycle?"

Ren relaxes instantly and scowls as Kyoko starts laughing at him, he responds, "Sure."

Kyoko giggles and holds out her hand, then leads him out to her sexy motorcycle, but just as the hit the parking lot she says, "Close your eyes."


"Please, Ren?"

 He nods, and he hears shuffling followed by, "Okay, you're good."

Slowly, Kuon's eyes slide open to see the love of his being sitting on her Cherry Red machine grinning widely with thrill, it was obvious the bike was her baby and he was seriously jealous, of the both of them, "It's beautiful..."

"I know! Thanks!"

"You're beautiful..."

She almost said 'I know! Thanks!' but blushed before she even opened her mouth, and her phone goes off, "Hello?"

"You have ten minutes!"

All color left her face and then she got a little angry, "Otou-san! I'm a grown woman!"

"You're still my daughter!"


They hung up, and her face is flushed in frustration, "Old man, I'm a grown woman..."

Kuon laughs at her grumbling, "I'll follow you home?"

She gives him a look that says 'Creepy much?' so he clarifies, "To make sure you're safe."

Kyoko grins at his embarrassed face and nods, "I'd like that."

Ren smiles heavenly and dashes to his car, then drools as Kyoko makes a wheelie as she speeds off.

...Timeskip...And~! Scene...

Fuyumi glared at her brother from a distance, watching him walk through the streets of Tokyo happily. He was going to work, as she documented every morning she stalked him. He left at six thirty and didn't return until four, everyday. That was one thing Fuyumi was sure would never change about Devon, he liked everything exactly right; he had O.C.D BIG TIME. She was sure that if it were possible Devon would legally change the disorder to C.D.O because the words are in alphabetical they should be.  As much as the young woman hates to admit it, she loves her brother as much as she did when she was little, nothing would ever change that; she's just got ten years of pent-up and unresolved anger fueling her right now. The woman just seems hateful, key word in that sentence: Seems.

Devon suddenly made a sharp right into an alley, making her curious and suspicious; she follows him silently. Devon then sits on a set of fire escape stairs and Fuyumi jumps behind a dumpster, "I know you're following me...little sister."

The young woman grins maliciously as she walks out from behind the green, putrid smell dispenser, "Nii-san! How wonderful it is to hear your voice again!"

Devon stares at her with widened eyes, almost as if he really can't believe it's her, "Fuyumi, what have you done?"

Her grin widens, "You'll find out soon enough, Aniki, just remember," as she turns to walk away, Fuyumi throws a smirk over her shoulder, "You aren't safe until I'm dead."

The beautiful woman sashays away from her older brother, blending into the crowd lethally; Devon shudders, his life just got a whole lot harder.

...And~! Scene...

Director Konoe watches the footage a few more times, making sure the two gave off the right feelings and paused at the right times. While he's doing his Director business, Setsu looks over at her brother who seems to be pulling himself out of character, "Nii-san?"


He takes her hand and lightly kisses it, showing his affection for her in no words. Setsuka blushes slightly and looks away, being delicate for the first time in the eyes of the public. Cain smirks and stands, "It's almost lunch, you want to go to Darumaya?"

She nods, "I didn't think acting would be so fun, why didn't you tell me?"

Setsu pouts and Cain grins, "It's work, nothing more."

She sighs, of course he'd keep up the pretense and continuity of his serious It's-just-work in her time of true curiosity. Setsu should have expected that, or something similar.Needless to say, Setsuka finds acting enjoyable; just not as enjoyable as her brother. Setsu blushes, the thought taking a turn for the dirty. The young woman bangs her head on the brick wall, what was that!? Desire!? Her head hits the wall a little harder and Cain pulls her away from the wall, for her safety. Director Konoe calls for lunch happily, "That's a wrap for right now, have a great lunch; I'll see you back here in an hour!"

"Hai, Director!"


Okamisan leads the two actors into one the private rooms in delight, she'd recognize Kyoko anywhere. The older woman takes their orders and rushes off, grinning like a Cheshire Cat; Kyosuke looks at the Missus and says, "Okamisan, I haven't seen Kyoko-nee around recently."

"She's been busy little one, she is an actress."

"But I want to greet her!"

"Then why don't you leave a letter just for her?"


The boy begins writing with a pen (provided by the restaurant) and on a paper (provided by the restaurant), Okamisan smiles at him before giving Taisho the orders. The older man grins before starting the meal, while Setsu and Cain converse casually.

"Ne~, Nii-san?"


"It's been awhile since we've had fun?"

"What are you up to?"

"Let's go shopping after filming?"



Setsuka smiles and Okamisan arrives with the food, still grinning from ear-to-ear, "Please enjoy the meal."

"We will, thank you."

The older woman leaves them to eat in peace.

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