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Disclaimer:I do not under any circumstances own anything from The Amazing Spiderman movie, or comics. Although I wish I did...


Peter POV

I swung through the cold air letting it bite at my face. There was nothing better than swinging through the air, saving the city. Scratch that, there was one thing better. That thing was actually a someone known to me as the beautiful Gwen Stacy. The only other place I'd want to be right now is in her bedroom. That sounded bad. But in my mind it wasn't. In my mind she'd be sitting around with her hair all loose in front of her face, (she usually has it up, but I think she looks nice with it tumbling lazily around her petite shoulders) bending her head over a book, her hands hidden in a one of those cute little sweaters she wears, but still grasping the pages of the book. Her serene blue eyes would be peering curiously at the words on the page and then I'd knock on her window. I'd disrupt her peaceful silence. She'd look up with a small crease in her forehead. So small it would almost be nonexistent. The nonexistent crinkle would disappear within a split second though. She'd lay her book down on the bed, cover and back up to keep her place, and then she'd come to the window gracing me with a smile and letting me in from the cold.

I was yanked back into reality with a distant siren. The troubles of the city were calling my name. Just as well, Gwen and I hadn't spoken since that rainy day I told her we couldn't see each other. I missed her like hell, but how could I be selfish and put her in harms way? Every time I considered showing up on her metal fire escape and taking it all back I heard the promise I made to her father before he died. That would be followed by immeasurable, and sometimes completely insane, but nonetheless scary scenarios where my status as Spiderman put my girl in danger. Maybe I was scared, or maybe- I liked to think that- I was just being responsible, and protecting my love. What was to say for a man who couldn't put his desires on the back-burner when it came to the ultimate safety, and general well being of the person he loved? How could I even really say that I loved her if I couldn't sacrifice for her.

But deep down I knew that it wasn't just my, or the deceased Officer Stacy's decision alone to make. We had left a very important and influential person out of the decision making, and that was her. It was Gwen.

Gwen POV

I honestly didn't even know if he loved me. It's crazy 'cause I really thought he did. Oh, Peter, that was Emmy Award winning acting I guess. I mean, how could he really love me if he wouldn't even look at me? Or maybe he did. That's what I hung onto. The little hopeful voice in my head told me that it was unreasonable of me to think that our relationship was one big trick. He told me that he was doing this for me, for my dad. I resented him then, but now it wasn't resentment. It was just an ever present dull ache in my heart.

The rain pounded on my window and made a metallic ping as it hit the fire escape outside. That was the same fire escape that Peter would come in. I missed him so much it hurt. Everything was going wrong, and although he felt like he was part of the problem, he couldn't be more wrong. I needed him...

Oh God, I need to stop thinking about him.

But how could I possibly not?

"Gwen! We're making hot coco downstairs!" I heard my brother yell to me.

"Hey Gwen, honey, do you want some cocoa? Howard's making some cocoa."

"No, Dad, I don not want cocoa. Honestly- I'm seventeen years old."

Kind old eyes twinkled as he repressed a laugh, "Okay I just thought I remembered somebody saying last week that her fantasy was to live in a chocolate house."

"Well that's impractical," I closed my door hard, but then added, "and fattening."

Lately, I had been getting better about my dad. I was finally sleeping again, and I shed less tears then I did a couple months ago. But it was the little things like this that made me miss him. My throat closed, but somehow I managed to croak, "No, I do not want cocoa." before my breathing started getting irrational and my eyes started welling with tears. I wish that Peter could stop thinking about saving the city for tonight, and save me.

A/N:So second story idk I just like having different things to work on so if I get stuck on one I have another. Or like seven others lol that's how I work. Please pretty please review. Spiderman is one of my favourite Marvel superheros. Maybe favourite superhero of all time, cause c'mon you can't forget about DC, but yeah he's fab. And the movie was amazing. Well, duh, The Amazing Spiderman. Okay I'm rambling bye.


I'm Going Down Mary J Blige

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