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Gwen POV

 lol unedited

I scaned the small crowded cafe for the head of blindingly blonde hair I was looking for. Just as his smile was aweinspiringly bright so was his hair, a shocking shade of platinum blonde that I doubted was natural. But somehow paired with his electric green eyes, deep dimples, strong jaw and charming grin, I could manage. 

I glanced at my phone, realizing that the feeling in my stomach wasn't that of a girl who was about to wretch up the contents of a whole bar, but instead it was a fleet of thunderous butterflies. I checked my lipgloss in the phone's dark screen and contemplated calling him, but before I could slide my phone unlocked, a hand, large and warm rested on my shoulder. 

Only alarmed momentarily, I turned to see the same grin I was just thinking about flash. Briefly I toke in his apperance. His hair was slightly damp, like he just got out of the shower. He was wearing a gray cotton shirt that stretched across his broad shoulders (did I have a shoulder fetish?) and tappered down to meet low slung distressed pair of jeans, something so different from Peter's plain dark wash jeans. I shoke my head hoping to dislodge those Peter thoughts. Here before me was a wonderously goodlooking boy, with movie star hair, a killer physic and a million dollar smile. What would thinking about Peter do for me?

His smile tipped higher on his face, eyes bright with amusement, "Hey party girl, how you feelin'?"

I crinkled my nose, at the name-- party girl-- it hardly fit. Momentarily I wondered if Archer would still be as interested in me when he realized I was not much of a party girl. More of a book girl... tea girl, a let's-stay-in-and-watch-a-movie girl. But I dispelled the thought quickly. I needed to stop worrying and just be here, now, and try to enjoy myself. 

"What's the face about?" he laughed and placed a hand on the small of my back, leading me to a table tucked into the corner of the cafe we had just walked into, "Hangover that bad?"

I inhaled, content with the aroma of coffee that made me feel more alive, more like a person, less like one huge throbbing headache. 

"Not as bad, as this morning," I reassured him with a one shoulder shrug.

"Well, I'm sure some coffee will do wonders. It always does for me," he pulled out the chair for me and I smiled at this gesture which seemd as if it was just second nature to him.

"Always?" I twisted in the elevated cafe chic chair so that I was facing him as he stood behind me. At this height I was level with his collar bones, I shifted my eyes from his tan skin, and to his eyes, "Do you make a habit of getting wasted and consiquently hungover?"

He smiled sheepishly noting how close our faces were, I liked it-- I did, but every time I blinked I saw Peter instead of Archer behind my eyelids.

"I'm a socialite..." he chuckled.

"Is it equally customary for you to go out with a girl you charmed at said party the day after?" I quirked an eyebrow half joking half serious.

He gasped, "Charmed you say? I charmed you?"

I pokeed him in the chest playfully dislodging my thoughts of Peter-- or trying to, "Don't look so surprised. And don't change the subject either. For all I know you're a serial charmer."

He looked down mock serious, "That I am. However, it's completely unintentional. I can't help it that girls flock toward me."

I lauged.

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