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Gwen POV

It only took me a second to get myself together and march back inside. I was angry and although I hated to admit it I was hurt, but I wasn't going to let on about it. Instead of standing around outside and having a pity party amongst all the kinky couples in the shadows, I was heading back inside to reclaim my night. I didn't come here for Peter I reminded myself. The night was still young and a lot could happen from now-- approximately 9:52-- to curfew at midnight. 

Running into Peter and wasting my valuable party tie on him was a small detour I could say, a bump in the road, something that could've been avoided, but n big deal. But no matter how much I told myself this I still found it hard to get over the stinging hurt of the way he left me: flustered, upset, and alone on the balcony. Not to mention my ugly daddy issues that insisted on rearing it's head. I was a mess I decided as I all but stomped up to the bar. I was determined.  Tonight-- this beyond suffocating dress, and gross makeup would not be in vain.

I opened my mouth to spout off a drink to the bartender, and aburptly shut it. I was educated in a lot of things, but underaged alcohol consumption wasn't one of them. Sure I'd read my fair share of teen fiction, and seen enough night time television to probably come up with something plausible, but nevertheless I felt impossibly dumb standind there. So I ordered the first thing that came to mind.

"Voldka and orange juice please."

The bartender gave me this look like a, you-sue-you-can-hold-that-down kinda look and I stared alomst definantly at him.


I blinked, and raised a brow testily, "Yes?"

"I'm gonna ned some ID."

At this I smirked. Being on the debate team and the Math Club had some perks, although being hit on by all the goofball nerds was a little irritating at times, it supplied me with smart usually computer sauve people. Enter, Felix who had so nicely offered to take me out for lunch for my birthday-- when I refused he got me a card and made me a fake ID. Thoughtful, I know. Funny thing is, I neer thought the day would come when I actually would put it to use.

I opened my clutch purse and grasped my identification smoothly sliding it onto the bar in front of him in a purely self satisfied manner.

"Well, that checks out, but Miss..."

"I don't see what the problem is..." I read his name tag, "Karl. Frankly, you're holding up the line and you're also in no position to tell me what I should or should not be drinking. I took high school health class okay? And more importantly, I can hold down a drink! I mean do I really look like that much of a lightweight? I'll have you know--


I turned sharply with glaring eyes to see Mr. Leather Jacket. I didn't believe we ever exchanged names, but here he was looking slightly cncerned and a smidgin alarmed. It was then I realized that I was getting quite irate with the bartender. 

"Uh-- hey."

"You ok?" his eyebrows crinkled together cutely.

I shrugged, fixing a small pout on my face, "This dude won't give me my drink."

The bartender shrugged right back, "She seemed a little spent already. Can she even hold down a voldka and orange juice?" he lowered his voice considerably, "Look kid, I know a fake ID when I see one. I'm just trying to help you out."

I felt my cheeks burn, but I still tried desperately to keep my cool, "So is that a yes or no?"

He sighed and within a minute my drink was finally whipped up and served. Glancing at the guy beside me he said, "Her boyfriend? Keep an eye on her ok?"

I blushed once Mr. Leather Jacket's eyes met mine after the boyfriend thing. 

He wiggled his eyebrows and chuckled, "Guess I'm you're boyfriend for the night."

I took a sip of the mostly orange juice cocktail only cringing a little at the alcoholic tinge, "That's funny cause I would think in order for you to be my boyfriend I'd have to know your name."

He smiled a perfectly white row of teeth, "I know who you are."

"You do?" I narrowed my eyes flirtasiously ignoring the stalkerish quality of the statement.

"Don't worry-- I'm not stalking you," he continued with the same charming-- slightly cocky-- grin.

Did he read my mind?


I blinked realizing belatedly that I must've said that outloud. 

"I'm not a stalker-- nor am I a psychic."

I downed the drink, the last of it burning menacingly down my throat, "I doubt it, babe."

"Ok, ok you caught me."

"A stalker? I knew it. How long have you been obsessed with me?" I raised my eyebrows at him watching as the edges of his face became the slightest bit fuzzy. 

He chuckled and then lowering his voice his face dipped closer to mine, his lips hovering over my ears as he said, "Mmmn nope. Not that. I'm psychic. And you know what I see?"

His lips were close. So close that they brushed the skin under my ear sending a jolt of heat through me. "What," I asked hopeing my voice didn't falter, "what do you see?"

" I see... a coffee shop, a beautiful girl with gold hair, and I see... me. Tomorrow at seven o'clock."

He pulled back, eyes sparkling, and lips tilted with a roughish quality.

"What else do you see? For tonight?" My gaze rested on his lips.

"I see you and me, dancing alllll night long."



*spongebob narrator voice* one eternity later

Sorry for the wait guys, I hope you like this chapter and you vote and comment if by some miracle you're still interested. Love you guys and I hope you had a fabulous holiday and happy ne year! Although that is a tad belated lawwlll so yeah there you go Gwen getting all Spicy with this kid who is yet to be named ooohh bad girl gwen whaaa? Peter who?

So yeah lol ok bye



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