Chapter 9

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Chapter 9
Carter's Perspective

Second Day of VidCon
My Schedule-
12:00 - Live Vlog
2:00 - Chameleon Circuit Duet
5:00 - YGS With Friends
9:00 - Con Closes for the Day

The Live Vlog

Hank and I were on stage explaining how this was going to work. We would be doing a challenge for the first half and then a Q & A for the second half. "Now the challenge we have chosen is," I paused as Hank did a drumroll on his lap,"Boyfriend Does My Makeup!" There was an odd murmur in the crowd. "Now to officially introduce him as my fiancee, Pete Wentz," I said happily as Pete came on to the stage, the audience clapped as he sat down by the table we had set up. Hank handed me a large bag of makeup, and said,"Let's do this," as he dumped it on the table.
    "Do your worst," I said mockingly. Pete had a goofy smirk on his face as he looked through various foundations that we found at CVS. "Well first thing we need to do is to put whatever the hell this is all over your face," he said, smearing an almost orange foundation on my face. "You to even it out, there's got be a balance between makeup and her actual skin tone. Keep it even to avoid imperfections," Hank teased.
    "There could never be any imperfections on this face," Pete corrected.
    "Why thank you," I said in a cheesy southern accent. He finishes the foundation and grabs a bright blue eyeshadow,"I think this goes on the cheeks," he joked.
    "Oh, Carter you look so lovely," Hank said over dramatically.
    "I'm sure," I said sarcasm dripping from my voice. Pete titled his head to the side,"I think i'm doing this wrong." HE sat quietly and looked at a coral blush, "Screw it, I'm rolling with it." He puts the blush on an eyeshadow brush and put it on my eyelids. "And that goes there." He finished it off with a green lipstick. Hank hands me a mirror and gets his phone ready for pictures. "If you made me look bad, I'm going to be pretty ticked off," I joked. I looked in the mirror and saw my face, "Oh, dear," I said mockingly,"I have no idea why you find me attractive." I looked at Pete.
    "You're beautiful," he said, pulling me off of my chair and close to him. He kissed me softly and it was like a thousand little butterflies flew throughout my body. "Not in front of the cameras," I mumbled jokingly.
    "On to the Q & A," Hank said, "We've got a mic set up for you guys to line up so we can answer your questions." We all sat down and i started taking off the makeup.
    A girl with blonde hair and blue highlights was first in line,"First things first, I love you all. So Carter, you're going on tour next month, can we know who you're touring with?"
    "That is an excellent question," I said,"that will be answered later today." The next person in line was a guy with dyed red hair. "This one is for both of you, how did you guys meet and what gave you the idea of creating a channel together?" he asked.
    "Wow, that's a good one," Hank said,"Uhhh...Well.. Carter was on tour with Pete's band, Fall Out Boy, and some stuff was going on, I still have no idea what it was, but Tyler set up a thing where she could stay with me for a few days in Missoula while Katherine was out for the weekend." He took a minute to think about how to explain how we started our channel,"We started the channel about two months after we met. The story behind it is that we would have long debates about very pointless things on Instagram, and Carter thought, 'What if we made one of these a video?' so naturally we turned it into a video with no intention to publish it. We sent it to Tyler and he was actually the one that made our channel. The video did surprisingly well and here we are now."


    The final question was rom a girl with brown hair and purple tips, "Carter, Pete, how did the proposal happen?"
    I smiled, "So it was two weeks after the tour and I was having a Doctor Who marathon with my roommate, Sawyer." I looked at Pete and he continued the story from his point of view."I had flown to New Orleans from Chicago," he said,"I was incredibly nervous as we didn't really have a romantic relationship before this. I just knew that she was the one and this was my shot. We were best friends and I was terrified that she would say no and we would never be able to talk to her again. I knocked on her door, got on one knee, and proposed."
    "And the rest is history," I said smiling like an idiot.
    "I'm total third wheel," Hank blurts out randomly,"That's all the time have but there will be another panel tomorrow so if we couldn't get to you, just try to make the other panels."
     "Toodles," I said with a wave. The three of us left the stage. "Boyfriend does my makeup, really?" Pete mocked.
    "It's Vidcon, don't question it."
    "I love you" he said, kissing my hand like in the classic princess movie.
    "I love you too," I said back, just hearing him say it makes me incredibly happy.

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