Chapter 1

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Chapter 1- Carter's POV

I sat outside the studio playing Flappy Bird while listening to the Rent soundtrack. Patrick was the first one to come out "Hey, what are you doing here?" he asked "Sssshhhh," I replied.Pete came out and I threw my arms around them. "Carter," Pete said, "What are you doing here? Who brought you here?" He looked kind of nervous. "Sawyer and I thought we'd pay you a visit, and she dropped me off," I answered, "What? Don't like surprises?"

"No, I love surprises," Pete said, he nodded his head slightly torwards Patrick and I knew exactly what that meant. He hasn't told him yet. I took my hand and put the behind my back so I could slip the ring off my finger. Joe and Andy looked at me funny, at least he told them, and I tilted my head towards Patrick and they understood. We caught and I told them about going to VidCon 2014 "That's great," Patrick said with a smile. I honestly have no idea how he'll react to the engagement but it looks like he's moving on with his life.


Pete drove us to his place and I let Sawyer know that she could go on home. When we got to his house we found my duffel where Sawyer said it was on the front steps. I grabbed the bag as he unlocked the dooor. "I know you have something to talk to me about," Pete said, "You know I'm going to New Orleans next week."

"Can't I just surprise you?" I said.

"Not when you live in New Orlean and I live in Chicago."

"Well I do have something to ask you..."

"What is it?"

"But you haven't told Patrick so....."


"You're probably going to say no," I said, "but I'm gonna try anyway. Will you go to VidCon with me-"

"Of course."

"You didn't let me finish, will you go to VidCon with me as my fiancee?" I looked into his eyes filled with thought, like this decision determines the fate of te rest of our lives. "God, I can't say no to you Carter," He said. I wrapped my arms around him and kiss him. The kiss deepens and I run my fingers through his dark hair. Every time we kiss, I'm With You plays in the background. We broke the kiss and just stare into eachothers eyes. "What did I do to deserve you?" he whispered.

"I ask myself that everyday," I whispered back. He kisses me again and the fireworks come back. Happy has nothing on what I am feeling right now.

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