Chapter 1

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Lucy Heartfilia blinked at her schedule in surprise. She hadn't been expected to be thrown into an art class. Her drawing skills weren't exactly great.
Dammit, she thought, I was hoping they would give me a free period.
"And you're all set," said the school counselor Mirajane Strauss. Lucy looked up at Miss Strauss with a nervous expression on her face. This would be her first year at Fairy Tail Academy. She had no idea where the classes were or who her teachers were. All in all she was feeling very overwhelmed.
Miss Strauss gave a friendly laugh at Lucy's mildly terrified expression.
"Don't worry," she said, "I have someone who is going to escort you to your classes." Lucy let out a sigh of relief. Suddenly the door to the counselor's office slammed open.
"Mira," said a strong female voice, "you called for my assistance?" Lucy turned around in her seat to see a girl who looked about her age. Her long scarlet hair was the first feature Lucy noticed on the girl. She was wearing a white blouse and a dark blue skirt. She was utterly gorgeous. Lucy felt instantly jealous.
"Hello, Erza," the white haired women greeted the scarlet haired one.
"This is Lucy Heartfilia. She needs an escort to her classes. It's her first day here," Miss Strauss explained.
"It's her first day here huh," said Erza leaning her face close to Lucy's and studying her. Lucy turned bright red but she didn't move. Finally after what seemed like hours Erza pulled away and nodded, "I like her."
Miss Strauss laughed and said, "Well that's a good thing, because you are going to be with her all day." At this Erza looked a little concerned.
"What about the rest of my classes?" she asked, "You know I can't miss any, Mira."
"You have been excused from all of them," said Miss Strauss.
"Good," Erza said curtly. She then snatched away Lucy's schedule making Lucy jump in surprise.
"Hmm so you have geometry first," she muttered. And so the senior grabbed the sophomore's arm and hauled her out of the room.

The first half of Lucy's day left her head whirling from all the new information she had taken in. In a daze she sat down at a cafeteria table by herself. Lucy instantly felt lonely, but this feeling wasn't a new one, it was one she all too familiar with. Suddenly, Erza appeared seemingly out of nowhere along with a few other girls.
"You are not allowed to sit alone on your first day here," said Erza. Lucy blinked up at the older girl in surprise. Then the other girls took their seats at the table. On Lucy's right there was a short, petite, girl with blue hair. Her name was Levy. Sitting on the other side of Levy, there was a girl with white hair and a sweet smile reminding Lucy instantly of the school counselor. Lucy learned that her name was Lisanna and that Mira, as they called her, was actually her older sister. Then there was Cana, she was a senior along with Erza and she was drinking something out of a water bottle that smelt suspiciously of alchohol.
Lucy struggled to remember all of the names while they all talked about how their day went. All except for Levy that is. She had pulled out a book and started reading, making it clear that she wasn't interested in talking. Lucy instantly recognized the book and shouted, " I love that book!" Levy looked up and there was a moment of silence. Lucy squirmed awkwardly in her seat.
"Who's your favorite character?" asked Levy and the silence disappeared as the girls started up their own conversations again. Lucy and Levy instantly clicked. They talked about the book that Levy was holding, then they talked about another, and another, and- well, you get the idea. By the end of lunchtime, they were squealing at each other and claimed to be best friends. Lucy gave her new friend a hug and then was hauled away into the black abyss of high school once more.

Then it was time for the final class of the day. Art. Lucy was mildly horrified just thinking about what kind of creations she would end up making in this class. She inhaled deeply and walked through the door. To her complete surprise the classroom was utter chaos. Each of the students was doing whatever they wanted. Some were sketching quietly, others were talking with their friends loudly. People were lounging on the desks and the sound of conversation and laughter filled the room. When she walked through the door, everyone went silent and looked at her. Then the teacher smiled and waved her over. Lucy approached him nervously.
"Hey kid," he said looking at her with a bright smile. "Is this your first day here?" he asked Lucy. She nodded.
"Ahh so you must be Miss Lucy correct?" he asked her.
"Yes sir!" she squeaked not knowing how to act around the laid back teacher.
"Well my name is Guildarts Clive," he said introducing himself. "You can call me Mr. Clive if you want but most of the students here call me Guildarts."
Then he went on to explain that this class wasn't an ordinary art class. To Guildarts, art was when creativity creates something new. In here he let the students' creativity flow freely. If they have an idea he provides the materials for it and teaches them how to do it. It didn't matter if it was drawing, sculpting, or even making a PowerPoint, if you needed to create something in this class it was allowed. Which meant that this class was essentially a study hall with art supplies in the back of the room. Lucy let out of a sigh of relief, glad she wouldn't be forced to participate in any drawing activities.
After Erza saw that she was settled, she waved goodbye at Guildarts and walked out of the classroom. Lucy turned around to look at the chaotic classroom she as in. With a sigh she plopped down in a seat in the front row.
Oh my god. I could practice my writing in this class, Lucy realized. She eagerly pulled out her notebook and began scribbling down ideas.
Then the door burst open and a boy with bright pink hair burst into the classroom at full speed. He ended up tripping over the threshold of the door and he went flying forward. Lucy winced as he landed right on his face. Silence settled over the classroom until the fallen boy groaned and sat up while rubbing his forehead. The class exploded into laugher and Lucy joined in unable to help herself.
"You're late again Ass Flame," said a black haired boy sitting one desk away from her.
What kind of insult is 'Ass Flame', she wondered.
'Ass Flame' stood up and glared at the other boy. "No you've got it wrong Ice Princess. You guys were all just early," he retorted. Lucy snorted.
"No, Natsu, you were late," said Guildarts with a sigh.
"HA! I told you!" yelled 'Ice Princess'.
"You didn't tell me anything."
Natsu tipped his head to the side looking genuinely confused.
"When did you say that?"
"Oh. I don't remember."
Suddenly they were leaping over the desks to tackle each other.
"ENOUGH! GRAY! NATSU! STOP FIGHTING!" Guildarts yelled. Both boys froze. Guildarts then made them sit in the front of the class on either side of Lucy.
Great now I have maniacs sitting on either side of me, she thought, rubbing the back of her neck with her right hand. Then she picked up her pencil and starting writing. She wrote for about twenty minutes until Natsu tried to grab the notebook away from her. With speed that ninjas would admire, Lucy slapped his hand away. He yelped in surprise and cradled his hand to his chest.
"Don't take stuff from people who's name you don't even know!" Lucy shouted at him. Natsu stared at her blankly then asked, "What's your name?"
Natsu then tried to snatch the book away again.
"Don't take stuff without permission either!" she shouted once again swatting his hand away.
"Can I see what you're writing?"
"Why noooot?" he whined.
"Because I say so," said Lucy a headache beginning to develop behind her right eye.
"You're weird," Natsu decided.
Suddenly, there was a noise coming from his backpack that sounded like a cat meowing. Sure enough, a furry blue head popped out and locked eyes with her.
"Noooo Happy, get back in there," Natsu tried to shove the cat down into the backpack but he just kept popping back up again.
Lucy had a feeling it was going to be a very long year.

Author's note
Hey guys so this is the first fanfiction I have ever written so try not to judge so quickly okay? Kind of a boring starting chapter but don't worry some exciting stuff will start happening now. I hope there are no grammatical errors.
(My Instagram is a.nime_freak feel free to go follow me!)

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