Chapter 2

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Lucy's second day of school was surprisingly more eventful than the first one. Gray and Natsu had gotten into a fight during lunch in the cafeteria. It had resulted in three flipped over tables and both boys getting a detention. Then art class came around, and let's just say that it was rather..... Obnoxious.
It had started when Natsu raced into the classroom, late again. Guildarts simply rolled his eyes and told him to go sit by Lucy, which was a fatal mistake.
"Luuuuccccyyy." Natsu's whiney voice caught her attention.
"What do you want?" she snapped, once again annoyed by the pink haired boy beside her.
"Let me read it," demanded Natsu.
"No," was Lucy's blunt reply.
"Why not?"
"I already explained this yesterday."
Natsu frowned. She hadn't explained anything. She just told him 'because I say so' and he didn't see how that explained things. Suddenly Happy crawled out of his backpack.
"Oh hey buddy," said Natsu rubbing the blue cat's head. Then he realized he was in school.
"Oi! Happy! You know you aren't allowed out while I'm at school!" Natsu shouted at his cat. Lucy just stared.
"What kind of idiot brings their cat to school?" asked Gray in a bored and an overly loud tone.
"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Natsu stood up from his seat. Gray stood up as well to shove his face in Natsu's.
"I said that bringing a cat to school is stupid, Flame for Brains."
"Exactly what it sounds like."
"You can't bring a cat to school."
At this point Lucy's head was throbbing. She was trying to work on her book and the arguing boys on either side of her were not making it easy. She tried to tune them out but they were impossible to ignore.
"ENOUGH!" Lucy shouted slamming the palms of her hands against her desk. Both boys froze in fear.
"L-Lucy?" asked Natsu tentatively. She turned around to give him a death glare.
"Just shut up and draw something," she said in a dangerously low tone. Natsu yelped and pulled out a rather tattered notebook. To her complete surprise there were already sketches in there. Incredibly life like dragons, anime and manga characters, various objects on fire. She had only been at the school for two days but she already heard rumors at the school of the pink haired boy being a pyromaniac. She could now see where they came from.
Gray had settled down as well. Muttering something about finishing the fight later, he pulled out his notebook and focused on his homework.
Natsu had no idea what to draw. He tapped his pencil against his desk keeping a beat from one of his favorite songs. Then he glanced over to where Lucy was sitting. She was working on her book. Her blonde hair pulled up in it's usual lopsided small pony tail leaning to the right side of her head. Her bangs fell in front of her eyes, obscuring them mostly from view.
A small smile played across his lips.
Hmmm, I wonder what Lucy would look like as a manga character?
With an idea now set in his head, he began to draw.

The next day was slow to go by for both Natsu and Lucy. Natsu was struggling in his lower level math class and Lucy had hit a major writer's block. Any ideas she previously had for her book suddenly vanished. At lunch, Lucy sat with her usual group of friends. The only difference was instead of taking part in the conversation, Lucy was staring off into space, racking her brain for ideas for her book.
Art came around and much to Lucy's surprise Natsu was in there before her. She found him cursing out his math homework.
"You dumb piece of crap stop being so fu-"
"Do you need help?" Lucy interrupted his little self rant. Natsu looked up in surprise.
"Yes please!" he exclaimed with a hopeful expression on his face that was rather cute. Laughing, Lucy showed him how to solve his problems.
By the end of class they had only gotten halfway through his mass amounts of homework.
"Come over to my place on Saturday," said Lucy giving him the address to her small apartment.
"Okay, Luigi," he said.
"THE NAME'S LUCY GET IT RIGHT!" Lucy yelled back. Then the bell rang and he was out the door before she could blink.

Lucy collapsed into her bed. She was exhausted. Something about Fairy Tail Academy was so draining. Not in a bad way though. It was more like she couldn't keep up with the high energy of the place.
I should take a bath, she thought sliding off her pink bed covers and walking over to her bathroom.
Lucy turned on the faucet pushing it all the way hot. Then she looked through her cabinet filled with towels. Lucy pulled out a fluffy white one and set it next to the bath tub. She stripped and got in with a sigh of relief. She knew tomorrow was going to be a long day.

For the next few weeks Lucy continued to help Natsu with his homework. He would come over on Saturdays and they would turn on some music, grab some snacks, and argue over what the correct answer was. Natsu's happy and seemingly innocent personality got on Lucy's nerves every single time. But for some reason she didn't mind it as much as she should.
School was going good for both of them. Natsu still got into plenty of fights with Gray and Mira asked Lucy when she was going to start dating which caused Lucy to choke on her sandwich. Natsu was passing in everything and Lucy had straight A's.
On the Friday of her fifth week of FTA (Fairy Tail Academy) Natsu came running to her.
"Lucy please help me!"
"Huh? What's wrong?" she asked.
"It's Er-Erza, she's mad at me!"
Lucy blanched. The idea of an angry Erza absolutely terrified her.
"Lucy please!" Natsu sobbed, he threw his arms around her and buried his face in her hair.
"There, there," she said patting the terrified boy on the back. She struggled to come up with an idea to avoid the terrifying monster that was Erza. As much as she didn't want to, if Erza came around the corner she would throw Natsu to the wolves and run for it. Then an idea popped into her head.
"Natsu come with me," said Lucy. She untangled herself from his embrace and grabbed his hand. She pulled him into a janitor's closet and pressed a finger to her lips. Natsu nodded, understanding that he had to be quiet. They stayed that way for a long time. Silent and in the dark. Natsu's hand was gripping her's tightly, and Lucy didn't pull away. She wondered why he was gripping her hand so hard. She had a feeling it wasn't because of Erza.
Natsu's heart pounded against his ribcage and terror was crawling up his throat making it difficult to breathe. He couldn't stand it in the closet. It was too dark, too quiet. The only thing that was keeping him anchored was Lucy. Why did she have to pick a dark closet out of every hiding place in the school?
She had pulled him in before he could say anything. Anything about being terrified of the dark.
The bell rang signaling that the school day was over. Natsu released Lucy's hand and burst out of the janitor's closet. He took off down the hallway, worried he wasn't going to make his appointment on time.
Lucy watched him run off confused.
He always seems like he's in such a hurry after school.....
Shrugging off her curiosity, she walked to over to her locker.

Author's note
Poor Natsu :( there's a reason why he's so terrified of the dark, but you won't know why until a few chapters later. He's got a really screwed up past. Anywaaaay I'm hoping some people actually start reading this *cough*. I might say something about it on my Instagram account..... I hope you (whoever might be reading this but I'm probably talking to no one) have a fantastic day! I hope I made no grammatical errors.

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