Chapter 3

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"Natsu how did you even get that for x?" Lucy asked frustrated. It was the third month into the school year and they still were doing homework together on Saturdays. Natsu and Lucy had become close friends.
"I don't know," he groaned running his hands through his pink hair.  Lucy sighed and slammed her textbook shut.
"Let's go get pizza," she said. Natsu perked up at that. The two of them had never hung out after school unless they were doing homework.
"How are we going to get there?" he asked tipping his head to the side. Natsu was held back in kindergarten so he was 16 despite being in 10th grade, but he didn't have a car to go with his license. Lucy was only 15 so she didn't have a car either.
Lucy rolled her eyes. "There's a pizza place across the street."
"Yes, Natsu."
At that Natsu jumped up from where they were sitting on the floor sending papers flying everywhere.
"C'mon Luce let's go!" he shouted excitedly. He grabbed her hand and dragged her out the door and Lucy barely managed grab her wallet.

They were on their second pizza, but that was mostly because Natsu finished the first one before Lucy was even halfway done with her first slice. Thankfully, Natsu seemed to have slowed down and he wouldn't eat Lucy's whole wallet.
Natsu sat back with a contented sigh.
"That was great," he said.
Natsu shrugged. Lucy checked the time.
"Oh it's already 8," she said stretching.
"Oi, Lucy," Natsu said.
"Huh? What is it?" she asked.
"Umm well I wanted to ask..... Why do you live alone?"
Lucy froze. Then she looked up and locked eyes with Natsu's curious gaze.
I should tell him, she thought, he deserves to know.
"I-it's ok if you don't watch to tell me," said Natsu quickly.
"No, I'll tell you," she said keeping her eyes locked with his.
"I asked my dad if I could move out. He said it would be fine and he pays for the place for me," she said bluntly.
"Why would you want to move out?" he asked tipping his head to the side.
"My dad is a jerk," Lucy replied dully.
"Yeah," Natsu said softly, "dads." Lucy's head jerked up to lock gazes with him again but he was already standing up.
"Let's go back to your apartment so I can get my stuff," he said unusually serious. Without exchanging any more words they walked out the door.

Natsu's eyes fluttered open. He had slept rather peacefully which was a rare occurrence for him. Sunlight streamed through the window by his bed and settled on his face blinding him slightly. Natsu rolled over to check the time on his alarm clock. It was 10:34. There was a mewing sound and Happy suddenly leaped onto his chest. Natsu grunted.
"Oi, you're heavy get off me," he said shoving the blue furry creature off of him. The cat yowled in protest at being jostled and ran out of the room. Natsu watched as his only companion raced around the corner.
"Just great now he'll be grumpy all day," he muttered to himself. He got out of bed and moved to take a shower. Sunday was when he went to the gym. It was the one thing he was consistent at and actually enjoyed.

Lucy woke up to her phone ringing. Groaning she rolled over and grabbed it off her night stand. The time read 10:35. She answered the call.
"Hello?" Lucy said in a groggy voice.
"Lucy!" Levy's happy voice greeted her. Levy was definitely a morning person. Lucy, however, was not.
"What'd you want?" asked Lucy, grumpy at being woken up.
"I think I found you a job!" said Levy. At that Lucy woke up a little
"Really?" Lucy asked.
"Yep! Shower and meet me at the bookstore five minutes away from your place at 11." Levy hung up. Rubbing her eyes, Lucy got out of bed to go shower.

Natsu checked the time on his phone. It was 11.
Good I got here early.
Natsu walked through the doors of the gym.
"Yo, Natsu!" said the gym owner Sid. He knew Natsu well since he was one of the regulars here despite his young age.
"Hey Sid!" said Natsu cheerfully. He made his way over to the man and gave him a fist bump. In return, Sid ruffled his pink hair.
"You doing weights today?" Sid asked the teenager. Natsu tipped his head to the side as if he was thinking.
"Yeah! I'll do 'em after I run a bit on the treadmills!"
"Have fun, kid," said Sid laughing as the teenager eagerly made his way towards the gym equipment.

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