Chapter 5

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Author's note
Get ready for some depressing back story on Natsu. Told you that you would be getting some.

"Zeref, c'mon let's play." Seven year old Natsu tugged on his elder brother's sleeve, his onyx eyes sparkled playfully. Zeref smiled gently ruffled his younger brother's hair.
"Let's go outside okay?"
"Okay!" Natsu followed Zeref to the door only to stop when he saw a candle resting on the long table in the hallway. Almost mesmerized by the flame, Natsu moved towards it. He started to move his finger to touch it, but Zeref called his name, which caused Natsu to jump and whirl around. Natsu accidentally back handed the candle and sent it flying to the carpeted floor. The two brothers watched in horror as the fire started to spread.
"Natsu we have to run!" Zeref grabbed Natsu's hand and they raced down the hallway and out the door that led into the backyard.
The fire got worse. It had spread all throughout the first floor and was moving on to the second, which was where their parents were. Since Zeref didn't have a phone, they were forced to watch as the house burned to the ground, with their parents with it. They could feel the heat of the flames despite being out of the house.
"It was my fault! It was my fault!" Natsu cried. He had tears streaming down his face. Zeref embraced his younger brother trying to comfort him.
"IT WAS MY FAULT!" Natsu screamed fighting against his brother's arms. Those words were etched in his mind, and they would forever haunt him.
It was my fault.

Natsu jerked awake with a gasp. Trembling, he curled up into a ball in the bed. It had been a while since he had had that nightmare. It had stopped coming when Lucy came.
He pressed his hands against his cheeks that were still wet with tears. Then he wiped them off and sat up with his legs dangling off the side of the bed. He was still shaking, not much he could do about that.

Gray woke up when he heard his friend's screams in the dorm next door. They had their own floor for this specific reason, and Gray had volunteered to stay up here with him.
Gray slid out of bed, not bothering to put on a shirt. He made his way out of the door and towards Natsu's without an once of hesitation, he pushed open the door.
Gray's voice made the other boy raise his head from his trembling hands.
"Gray," Natsu's voice cracked, and suddenly tears were streaming down his face. Without a word, Gray pulled him into a hug. Natsu buried face into his friend's shoulder and sobbed. They stayed that way for a while, the two of them sitting in Natsu's bed. Gray comforting Natsu. Natsu's sobs echoing throughout the room. Gray rubbed Natsu's back in circles. He knew from experience that it helped him calm down. Natsu's sobs died down, replaced with silent tears until those ran out as well.
"You good now?" Gray asked and Natsu nodded mutely lifting his head up from his friend's shoulder. Gray got up and moved to the door.
"Wait, Gray," Natsu's voice made Gray pause, "Thanks." Gray left out the door without a word
Natsu laid back down on the bed and stared at the ceiling fan whir around.
What is wrong with me?
He hadn't reacted that badly to a nightmare in years
Is it because Lucy is leaving?
Then it all clicked. He knew for a fact that he would completely lose it if Lucy left. Just the idea of her leaving sent him back five years into his progress of recovery.
Happy curled up onto the pillow next to Natsu, gently pressing his paws into the boy's pink hair.
I need her.
He really truly did need Lucy. After all, how can someone be expected to live without light? With a sigh he closed his eyes and drifted back off into sleep.

When Natsu woke up he felt terrible. Not emotionally, but physically. His stomach churned and shifted. He ran to the bathroom and emptied his stomach of everything he had eaten in the past few days. He felt like he was overheating and freezing at the same time. His stomach was cramping and he felt nauseous.
Natsu couldn't muster the energy to get up from the bathroom floor.
Gray went to Natsu's room to wake him up as he always did in the mornings. Natsu had an uncanny ability to sleep through his alarm, so they decided it would just be better if Gray woke him up each morning.
When the raven haired boy walked into the dorm, he was surprised to find that Natsu wasn't in bed. Instead he found him in the bathroom sitting on the floor.
"What are you doing...." Gray's voice trailed away when he saw how bed his friend looked. Natsu's face was dripping with sweat and he looked extremely pale.
"Are you okay?" Gray knelt by Natsu and placed his hand against his forehead.
"Geez you're burning up," said Gray. Natsu didn't respond.
"Come on, lets get you back to bed," Gray hauled Natsu to his feet and helped him back to his bed.
"I'll be right back," Gray told him and left out the door. Natsu curled up on his right side, and fell into an uncomfortable doze.

Lucy knew Natsu wasn't at school. It was obvious to her, the hallways felt empty, the faces felt foreign. There was no shouting arguments that soon turned into fist fights. There was no happy smile that lit up when those eyes landed on her. FTA wasn't FTA without Natsu, and she couldn't help but wonder how he would feel if she wasn't there.
Lucy also knew something was wrong. She wasn't blind. Gray, Erza and Lisanna all had worried expressions on their faces at lunch, and she had found them talking anxiously in the hallways with Mira. She wanted to know what was happening. Being a smart girl, it wasn't difficult to figure out that it had something to do with Natsu. She cared about Natsu just as much as they did, she only wished they would realize it and tell her.
During art she overheard Gray talking with Guildarts.
"Natsu is sick, I know we never really do anything in this class but can you mark his absence as excused?"
"Sure," Guildarts laughed, "it's not like he needs even more bad stuff on his records."
"That's for sure."
Lucy had had enough of eavesdropping, she wanted answers.
"So he's sick huh?" she asked walking up to Gray with her hands on her hips. Gray turned around to see a pissed Lucy glaring at him.
"Y-yeah," he replied nervously.
"THEN WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME ANYTHING!" she yelled and Gray yelped the way he did when Erza was yelling at him.
"Well I forgive you," Lucy said with a sigh. Gray blinked.
"But you're taking me to see him after school," Lucy told him. Gray nodded frantically and said, "I was already taking Lisanna, Erza, and Mira so...." Gray's voice trailed off when he saw Lucy's death glare again. He quickly made his way back to his seat. Guildarts laughed.
Lucy then turned to look at Guildarts.
"He was bad records?" she asked tipping her head to the side. Guildarts sighed.
"He had one hell of a past that's for sure," Guildarts said as an answer. Then he turned around and sat down in his chair, leaving a confused Lucy staring after him.

Author's note
OH MY GOD I AM SO SORRY FOR THE SUPER LATE CHAPTER I REALLY AM. I was writing this then Wattpad decided to be a piece of crap and DELETE EVERYTHING I WAS WRITING. So this was really rushed. It's also really short. I'm so sorry guys. Also, Natsu's past may or may not get worse..... I'm planning on having a lot of NaLu next chapter since we had none in this one. Also, there are probably a lot of errors in this chapter. Again, this was really rushed. I'm gonna go read some fan fiction on now. ITS ACTUALLY A REALLY GOOD FAN FICTION WEBSITE. There are a lot more Fairy Tail fan fictions there than Wattpad so that's where I normally read it. Anyway, have a great night/day (depends on when you're reading this) and I'll hopefully get the next chapter up much sooner.

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