Chapter 7

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Did anyone miss me?
In all seriousness though.... I have awful writers block
It is legit so bad
Anywaaaayyy lets get back to the story

"Did you hear?"
"About the new students?"
"Did you see that guy?"
"Eww he has so many piercings."
"That girl is weird."
"Did you see that really attractive guy?"
"Yeah but what's up with that tattoo?"
"That poor guy that girl won't let go of him."
Whispers followed the three new students at FTA the next Monday morning. Juvia, a new girl with vivid blue hair, saw Gray and latched onto his arm with a squeal of "MY BELOVED!". Lucy was walking with Levy when she saw Gajeel, another new student with A LOT of piercings. Levy's face went bright red when she noticed him and that's how Lucy got dragged to class. Jellal, a senior with blue hair and an odd tattoo on his face rammed right into Erza in the hallway. Recognition passed between their gazes for a brief moment until Jellal bent down to pick up his books that he dropped during the collision. They kept walking like nothing happened.
Overall the mood for their usual group of friends was tense. Natsu of course was completely oblivious and he kept throwing French fries from his lunch tray at Lucy who expertly dodged the flying food all the while sending her own projectiles back at him. Natsu was no longer sick and they both knew Lucy would be leaving soon. They both decided (without speaking) that they would make the most of the time they had left with each other. They would be best friends until the world tore them apart.
Hence was the reason why they talked and hung out more than usual. They texted nonstop during classes underneath the desk. One period before art began Natsu got texted a picture of Gajeel and Levy making out around a corner in the hallway with Lucy explaining that she had meant to go to the bathroom but...
Natsu had to clamp his hand over his mouth to keep from bursting into a fit of snickers. The day only improved more when Natsu came across Jellal and Erza doing the same exact thing. He quickly snapped a picture of the two of them to send to Lucy then high tailed it out of there so Erza wouldn't catch him.
While they were in art Lucy chattered non stop about the new book that she was working on. Natsu ignored her working on a new drawing. Lucy's eyebrows shot up at this. Natsu normally at least pretended to listen to Lucy talk.
"Hey what's that you're drawing?" she asked leaving forward at her seat to take a look. To her surprise Natsu leaped out of his seat clutching his sketch book his chest.
"I-It's a surprise," he stuttered his cheeks turning bright red. Lucy stared. This was rather "un-Natsu-like" of him.
"Um okay then?"
They spent the rest of the class in a slightly awkward silence broken only by Gray and Natsu randomly starting a fight for no apparent reason.

Natsu and Lucy were both walking to Lucy's apartment together. It was a slow walk, both of them dragging out their steps as to stay together for a little while longer. Even though neither of them said anything about it, they both knew that the clock was ticking away towards the time that Lucy's father would snatch her away ruining the perfect friendship they had built.
Lucy sneaked a glance over towards her companion. His head was down watching the ground. His pink bangs hung in front of his face obscuring it mostly from view.
"Hey, Natsu," Lucy piped up tired if the silence.
"Race you to my place!" and without another word, Lucy took off, her blonde hair flying behind her.
"HEY THATS NO FAIR!" Natsu took off after her, struggling to catch up with her surprisingly fast sprint.

The week went by too quickly. Natsu rode his bike faster than ever to Lucy's apartment on Saturday.
(Brief AN: Natsu doesn't have motion sickness in this. I love him having motion sickness when he's a strong fighter but to give him that in a high school AU sort of story seemed too cruel to me. Okay back to the story again)
Lucy opened the door only to get tackled by an over excited Natsu. She yelped and they crashed to the ground in a mess of limbs and books that Natsu had dropped in his eagerness to see her.
"Natsu.... get.... off.... I can't.... breathe."
Eventually they got themselves all organized and began to work on their homework. Neither of them said anything even though the time that this arrangement they had made would end was approaching quickly. The idea of losing Lucy terrified Natsu, and the thought of being lonely again sent chills down Lucy's spine. They had both made a silent agreement to not talk about it.
Even if they did get separated Natsu had a feeling Lucy would push through. He could tell she was a strong person every time he looked into her eyes. But Natsu wasn't strong. He was the very definition of weak. Someone who had been barely clinging to his will to live just a year before now. Sure he was better, but he definitely wasn't strong. The idea of losing Lucy brought other painful memories of his past.

8 year old Natsu sat in the lobby of a hospital alone. After all since his parents were dead there was no one to sit with him. He sat there fidgeting impatiently, worry for his older brother consuming his thoughts. Then a man approached him. As far as young Natsu could tell he was a doctor.
"Are you Natsu Dragneel?" the man asked. Natsu nodded. The man faltered a little, then he kept talking with his voice void of emotion.
"I'm sorry to say this but..... Your brother is dead."
Natsu's mind went blank.

"ARGGHHH!" Natsu, startled out of his thoughts, flew out of his seat and toppled over onto the floor.
"Well at least I managed to get your attention," Lucy huffed crossing her arms. Natsu sat up rubbing the side that got rammed into the floor.
"Lucyyyyyyy that hurrrrt," Natsu whined completely forgetting about what he was thinking a few moments before. Lucy rolled her eyes then looked at Natsu's paper.
"YOU HAVEN'T EVEN WRITTEN ANYTHING DOWN!?" she glowered at him. Natsu shrieked and terror and raced away from the table and down the hall into her room.
"GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE-" her words were interrupted as she rammed straight into Natsu's back due to him stopping in front of her room for no apparent reason. She ran into him with so much force that they both toppled over the threshold and into Lucy's room. Somehow while falling Natsu twisted around so his back took the impact of the fall. Lucy fell right on top of him. Their faces were three inches apart. There was a moment of silence. They stared at each other with wide eyes and the same shocked expression. Then Lucy got up off him awkwardly.
"Sorry!" they both shouted at the same time. There was a moment of silence again until they both burst into laughter.
Why is my heart beating so fast? Lucy wondered pressing her right hand to her chest. She could feel her heartbeat beneath her fingers.
"Lucy, let's play Mario Kart again!" Natsu shouted tackling her with a hug from behind. Her heartbeat spiked again.
There's no way that I LIKE Natsu right? Lucy struggled to reassure herself. We're just friends and nothing more. She knew she was lying to herself.
Lucy turned around to face him with a grin. "You're gonna get annihilated again," she told him tapping her finger on his nose. Natsu blinked for a second then he said, "It doesn't matter if I win or I lose! As long as I'm playing against you it's more fun than anything else in the world!" But that's all going to end soon. The thought echoed in both of their minds.
"Well then let's play!" Lucy shouted and raced to get the Wii set up.
Natsu did indeed get annihilated again.

Okay guys I've got some sorta bad sorta good news okay let's just say its regular news. While I do love this story a lot I'm starting to lose motivation to write it. Idk why maybe it's because FT Zero lasted foreverrrrr and now FT 2014 is over and we have to wait for like a year for a Fairy Tail 2016. I also have no idea where this story is going. So I've decided to start something new. It's gonna be a crossover fanfiction with all of my favorite animes and it'll either be a vampire/werewolf AU or and apocalyptic AU I haven't decided yet. Oh and don't worry Fairy Tail characters will still be in there and you don't have to watch all of the animes to know what's going on. It'll probably be mostly FT and Haikyuu because I'm currently obsessed with them both. I might add some characters from HXH and Soul Eater..... Who knows? The main characters with almost definitely be Natsu and Lucy as well as Kageyama and Hinata from Haikyuu. Don't worry I won't stop writing this story but my writers block JUST WONT GO AWAY! Anyway if you're reading this and you have a preference about which AU I should do comment and let me know! Anyway, see ya later!

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