Zero Kiryuu[My Baby Shot Me Down]

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"I was five, and he was six.
We rode on horses made of sticks.
He wore black and I wore white.
He would always win the fight."

You cocked your revolver and pointed it at the paper target. Five of the six bullets hit the target. You cursed silently and reloaded, firing again.

This repeated until your allowance's worth of bullets ran out.

Over and over and over again....

Why were you so angry?

Who wouldn't be angry if they knew that their ranking in the Van Helsing Training Academy was beaten by some pretty boy?

Your best friend, no less.

Zero Kiryuu.

"Bang bang, he shot me down.
Bang bang, I hit the ground.
Bang bang, that awful sound.
Bang bang, my baby shot me down."

You turned your iPod off. The shooting gallery was empty.

You were ranked number seven at your school(which wasn't called Van Helsing Training Academy, just so you know). A school for vampire/demon hunters, most of them were traumatized kids just looking to avenge their families.

Not you. Oh no. You saw vampires as pests. You just wanted to kill them all. You had lost many friends because of them. No, you weren't looking for revenge. You just wanted them gone.

You sighed and reloaded the gun once more. Only five bullets in the chamber, because you had shot a tester one in the beginning.

"What are you doing?"

You jumped, misfiring and hitting the ground. You turned around and glared at Zero, "The hell?!"

"Oh, sorry, I didn't realize you weren't paying attention to your surroundings."

You growled and aimed at the paper target. You hit the edge of the paper. You fixed your stance to try again.

Before you could pull the trigger, Zero said, "Let me help _________."

You glared at him and shrugged your friend off your shoulders.

You raised your gun again. However, your aggravation messed up your aim.

"Why are you upset __________?"

You turned to him and glared, "I'm upset because you are selfish! I WAS NUMBER SEVEN. You didn't even try either.... You just passed the test because you're a fucking genius...."

You set the gun down and crossed your arms, "I worked SO hard to ace that exam. Now I'm just someone who talks big for being in the Elite Seven. All because of you Zero."

"What does it take to make you happy?"

You raised your eyebrow.

"I was always better than you, but I let you go ahead. I let you beat me....Because I love you."

You blushed, feeling awful about what you said, "Z-Zero...."

"Then you start ignoring me. You started getting arrogant and that's when I decided to get you to wake up. To wake up and go back to the old you."

"Seasons came and changed the time.
When I grew up I called him mine.
He would always laugh and say.
Do you remember when we used to play?"

You iPod turned on without warning. You jumped and switched it back off.


"Is nothing good enough for you? Are you....just unhappy with me?!" yelled Zero.

You grabbed your friend's shoulders, "Zero, listen to me, what I said was-"

"The truth. And that's how you really feel about me."

Zero reached behind you and grabbed your gun. You froze, "Zero.....what are you doing? Don't do anything-"

"Fuck you.... I'm doing this for everyone else.... If you won't be mine.....I think I'd go insane.....I'd kill everyone.....EVERYONE....."

Zero looked you straight in the eye and said, "I promise to see you in hell, _______."

Your iPod turned on again, and the rest of the song blared through the hall.

"Bang bang, I shot you down.
Bang bang, you hit the ground.
Bang bang, that awful sound.
Bang Bang, I used to shoot you down."


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