Jin[Porcelain Dolls]

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You watched as a group of children walked into the shop.

"Hello! What can I do for you today?" You said, giving your best smile.

"We want five porcelain dolls!"

"Really? We just stocked these today," you said surprised.

Porcelain dolls at your small shop were steadily becoming a more and more popular thing. You didn't know why, but everyone in town just started buying the dolls.

You handed them the dolls and smiled, "Be careful now!"

They nodded and ran away laughing.

You laughed, "Those kids are so cute~"

You stretched and leaned back, ready to relax when you heard a crash. You turned your head and saw you had knocked down one of the dolls. You stood up and slowly picked up the pieces.

It was just one doll, but you got an anxious feeling in your stomach.

You tried sweeping up the rest of the pieces. A few pieces slid under the cabinet. You reached under and tried to tease them out. Your fingers were too short, however.

"Allow me," said a voice.

"Jin, what are you doing here?"

The 15 year old boy smiled at you, "I just came to talk."

"I got it.... You should be at the dojo!"

"Master let us off," said the boy kneeling next to you. He reached under the cabinet and pulled the pieces out easily. He placed them in your hand, "Is there anything I can do to help ___________?"

"Nothing really.... You go enjoy you day! It's beautiful out!"

"Why don't you come with me?"

"I'm still holding up shop!"

"I'll take the blame," he said, lacing his fingers with yours. He dragged you out of the shop and pulled you down the street. You laughed as you tried to catch up, "Jin! You're horrible!"

He smiled at you, "So where to?"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

You knocked on the door, "Jin! Open up!"

After Jin killed his master, he left for 5 years. Then he came back. He contacted you an asked to live and work in the shop.

"Just a moment," he said in his calm voice.

"Are you working on the dolls again?" You smiled. Jin had an undying love for the blank porcelain dolls that were sent in. He would always paint their faces beautifully, and it made the dolls more popular and more unique than ever.

The one thing about Jin's dolls that you didn't love were that they all had the same eye color as you. Everytime you looked into their eyes, you saw yourself.

Jin opened the door and held a box filled with the dolls. You took them and smiled, "Thank you very much for doing this for me~"

"It's my pleasure," he said.

You walked into the shop an began setting everything up. Then you noticed something.

"Jin? Were the dolls' hair this color before?"

"I just painted the faces."

The dolls' hair was now strikingly similar to the color of yours. You shivered and quickly set the rest up.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Jin! We've got three new orders for the dolls! When are they going to be ready?" You called.

The three children waited patiently.

Jin opened the door and handed you the dolls. You rushed them out to the children and smiled, "Here ya go! Take care!"

The children gave you their money and laughed and ran away.

"I'm surprised that the dolls haven't gone out of style," said Jin behind you.

"The dolls break often so when children have enough money, they come buy new ones," you said. You counted the money and put it in the drawer. "It's a pretty smart idea. Also I get a lot of travelers on their way to Nagasaki."


You turned you head, still sorting the coins in the drawer, "Yeah?"

You were surprised to feel Jin's strong, thin fingers interlace with yours. You looked up at him, "Jin?"

He stared at you for a while before closing his eyes. You stared at him in silence. Then you smiled.

'Jin really is a shy guy.... Isn't he?'

You stood on the toes of your geta and kissed his chin, unable to reach his cheek.

You and him didn't say anything. You just sat in a joyful silence.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

You stared at the row of dolls, "Jin?"


"Do these dolls seem familiar to you?"

"They resemble you."

"They're wearing the same clothes that I wear Jin.... Why do you have these?"

He dipping his brush in a cream color and slow painted the cheeks. You watched, creeped out. Jin then set down the brush and set that doll aside.

"The kids have started asking questions why I look like them. It's not good for business Jin! Quit making those dolls look like me!"

"I would only assume that the children would want the most attractive of the dolls. _________ it's simply a fact that you are the most beautiful girl I have laid eyes on."

You blushed, "Jin.... That's sweet but-"

"But you want to stand in between me and my happiness."

"Wh-What?" you stuttered.

Jin stood up and grabbed his sword. You backed away as he unsheathed it. He pointed it at you and said, "You'll be my favorite of these dolls __________.... You'll be so perfect among these dolls.... Just like you belonged as a doll...."

He grabbed your shoulder and pulled you forward. His sword cut into your neck slightly. He then whispered in your ear, "Like a porcelain doll...."

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