Crona Gorgon[For Your Entertainment]

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{So before you read this chapter I want to apologize to the requester for this VERY crappy chapter and that's it's VERY late. I also want to apologize that I haven't updated in a while things have been weird lately.... Anyway.... ENJOY THE CHAPTER~}

[So hot.
Out the box.
Can you pick up the pace?]

"Now do me!" smiled Maka, brightly.

"Ah.... Okay!" you grinned.

Everyone gathered around you as you stared at Maka's soul. Slowly, you felt your body fade and disappear. You bit your lip and concentrated on Maka's soul.

It was called Soul Surfing. The ability to become part of someone else's soul. If you were a ghost, it would be the same as possession. Except, everything had to be synced in order for it to work.

You're family had been teaching Soul Surfing since the days when Lord Death was scary. You were taught the practice at a young age, but you were only half as good as your father.

You heard the pulsing noise and knew you had successfully melded souls with Maka.

'WAAAAA~! So cool~!' She sang.

'I know right?!'

You let go and fell against the bench, panting.

"You didn't spend much time connected," observed Liz.

"That takes a lot of energy guys.... I've done it a few of you today.... I just need to rest for a bit...."

Maka thought softly out loud, "I wonder what it would be like for you to meld souls with Crona. Since their soul tends to suck in the outside energy, could you perhaps stay in there longer?"

You widened your eyes, "I've never thought of that!"

You jumped up, "Let's go find 'em!"

You hurried around the school, searching every nook and cranny. Until you finally found Crona.

"Crona!" you called.

[Turn it up.
Heat it up.
I need to be entertained.]

"Hm?" They said surprised.

You grinned, "Wanna try it?"

They thought for a moment before smiling shyly, "Sure....."

You took a breath, "Okay.... Are you ready?"

They nodded and looked at you. You stared into Crona's eyes. Their soul wavered a bit before settling down.

The effects were almost instant.

You're body disappeared instantly. You laughed softly and moved Crona's fingers.

"I've never been so in control!"

'Be careful of my body,' he said.

You smiled, "Of course!"

You began walking, the boots heavy. You trekked down the hall chatting with everyone in Crona's body.

"This is so awesome!"

Suddenly, you felt like your whole being was disconnected. Everything went black at once. You couldn't....feel.... All your senses had been switched off.

You saw a pinhole. A bright white pinhole in the middle of the blackness. You "walked" to it. You slowly moved closer and closer until you saw a white door. You opened it quickly.

Inside, was a red and black room. Crona sat in a chair, looking at you. They had a cup of tea in their hands and slowly sipped it away.

"Where am I?" you asked Crona. You walked over to them and looked around. You sat down across them.

"You're in my Black Blood."

"What?" you asked, heart pounding fearfully.

"I knew this would happen...." said Crona, standing up.

[Push the limit.
Are you with it?
Don't be afraid.]

"What....?" you wondered.

Crona sighed and stood up. They weren't wearing their usual dress. Just regular shirt and pants. Honestly, it suited them....

Crona raised their foot and kicked you back from your chair. Your head hit the floor and a crack rang through the room. You fearfully looked around the room. The red-almost vaginal- curtains sank around you. Crona's expressionless fierceness made you shiver.

[I'ma hurt you real good baby.]

Soon, what seemed to be months passed. You remained in Crona's head, a slave to their sadistic and cruel nature.

Their hidden nature, that is.

You didn't starve, nor did you ever feel satisfied. Crona's body state provided you with nutrients to stay alive, but you hadn't tasted food since you merged souls with them.

You didn't know how to get out. It was terrifying.


[No escaping when I start.]


[Once I'm in I own your heart.]


[There's no way you'll ring the alarm.]


[So hold on until it's over.]

You felt sick as Crona came down on you. This was Crona. CRONA. Your best friend.

[Do you know what you got into?]

You wished it was just all over. You wished it would all just stop.

[Can you handle what I'm about to do?]

Crona slapped you and kicked you. They sat and watched you a sort of wicked glee.

[Cause it's about to get rough for you.]

You screamed when you felt the burning sensation from the coal poker. You almost puked from the pain.

[I bet you thought I was soft and sweet.]

Tears struggled from your eyes, "Crona...."

[Thought an angel swept you off your feet.]

You curled up at their feet, cowering from their being, "Crona..."

[Well I'm about to turn up the heat.]

"________..... Hold still."

[I'm here for your entertainment.]

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