Ayato Kirishima[I'll Fucking Digest You]

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[This is the story that will make your mother cry....]

I wanted to rip her heart out.

I wanted to taste that flesh of hers again.

I wanted to eat her alive, and relish in those screams of hers.

Her smell was delectable.

My lips grazed against her neck. She was asleep. Humans tasted better when they were running. The blood pumped faster through their veins.

My fingers grazed against her skin. I licked the shell of her ear, and let out a shaky breath.

She tasted better everytime my tongue grazed her skin.

She wasn't going to like being woken up. But it was important. I had been fasting for a few days. To prepare for her.

"__________.... Baby girl wake up...." I whispered in her ear.

She smiled softly, and grabbed my shirt, "Ayato...." She didn't open her eyes. She just curled closer to me. "What is it?"

I felt my heart jump into my throat. I couldn't do it. I couldn't just destroy the one good thing in my life.


[I want to be honest.
I want to be bad.
I want to destroy you.
I want to move fast.]


She sat behind me, rubbing my back, smiling. She wore only a long shirt and the underwear she was wearing earlier. Her thighs were pleasantly soft and firm, and they held against my grip.

She kissed the back of my neck, "You okay Ayato?"

I nodded back, but she could pick up on me. She knew I was not okay.

She kissed my neck again and said, "Wanna talk about it?"

"No...." I said softly. I spun around quickly and began kissing her neck. She tasted so sweet.

She laughed, "You're cute...."

I smiled into her skin.


[I want to die someday.
I want to live long.
I want what I ask for.
I get what I want.]


It had been several years now since I moved to New York. It was the same as Tokyo, but more ghouls and less control. The ACCG left New York as more of a ghoul haven. Nobody knew how to navigate it like ghouls did.

I met her at a bar. Light Beer was a good substitute for coffee, as the yeast didn't bother ghoul's stomachs. She was drinking some fancy martini that would have her drunk after two drinks. She was looking for a hookup.

And I wanted a bite to eat.

But I didn't mind a good fuck as well.


[I think that I'm human.
I think about God.
I think of the chances.
I think that I'm wrong.]


Soon I realized how fucked up I became. ________ was turning me into something. She was turning me into a human.

I didn't know why but when I was around her, there were no humans or ghouls. There was no prejudice or hate.

Just us.

I wouldn't eat for weeks at a time because I was too busy with her, keeping her company while she wrote her neck erotica novel. Then I would binge for a night and hunt. Sometimes I'd eat four a night.

But I was prepared to fast for the rest of my life, die of starvation, if she wanted me to.


[I'll fucking digest you.
One kiss at a time.
You wish I was yours.
And I hope that you're mine.]


"Ayato?" she asked leaning against her chair. She stretched away from her computer.


"Why do you like to lick me?"

"I like the way you taste."

"What do I taste like to you?"

Trying to explain a human what she tasted like, was like trying to explain what color was to a colorblind person.

I then said, "You taste like cigarettes. Like a drug."

"Like your own personal brand of heroin?" She smiled.

I pulled her into a hug. "Exactly."


[I'm thinking we should ride,
To a place that we don't know.
To a place where no one's seen us before.
I'm thinking, you and I,
Better just go with the flow.
Last thing that we should do is go slow.]


I pushed her into the bedroom, "We gotta go."

"Ayato?" Her eyes were scared. "You have blood...."

"ACCG is coming we gotta go." I pulled down a suitcase and started shoving clothes in it.

She tried to laugh but a frown fell on her face, "Why would American CCG want anything to do with us?"

I gave her a look and she shook. She backed away from me, "Ayato...."

"You have to trust me...."

"Are you going to eat me?"

"You.....? Never." I held her close. "I want to protect you from those who will take you away from me. They'll ruin everything we have created."

She hugged me back and whispered, "I'll trust you."

We finished packing, _________ grabbed her cat and we fled the city. Somewhere far away from our hunters.

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