Chapter 3

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"Damn! That hurt worse then being tazzed." I said, looking at my new tattoo. Where they got the stuff, I have no clue. "Suck it up you baby." Celeste said. Valerie opened her hope chest and pulled a phone out. "No fucking way. How do you have a phone??" I said, taking the phone from her and looking at it. "I just give it back." She said, trying to grab it but I moved it out of her reach. "Just let me look at it." I said, unlocking the phone. "Celestttte." Val complained. Celeste growled.

"I've been wanting to do this for a while now." She shifted into a white wolf and snarled at me. "Really? We're doing that?" I pouted. I put the phone in my pocket and shifted into a wolf. Valerie jumped up on her bed to stay away from Celeste and I. We circled each other, growling here and there, hackles rised. Celeste leaped at me but I quickly moved making her run into the wall. While she was getting up I lunged at her and bit her back, and slung her a fair distance, I was getting good at this.

Celeste then shifted into a leopard. That's not fair! I shifted back and put my hands up in surrender. "Okay, okay. You win." I said, tossing Valerie's phone back to her.  Celeste shifted back. "I always win." she smirked. "Well you cheated." "Oh did I?" She said in a taunting voice. I stuck my tongue out at her. "Seriously though, how did you get that phone." I said, jumping up on her bed with her.

"Ben got it for me, its a prepaid and I can only contact him." She explained. I just nodded. Our door opened and Valerie put the phone away quick. "I'm here to escort Mrs. Knight to the Clinic for her appointment." a male White Coat said. Celeste sighed as she made her way over to him and the two disappeared.  "...We should escape..." I mumbled. "People have tried...they all died." Valerie looked at the ground, tears threatening to leave her eyes. She must have known someone..."Yeah, but WE didn't try. We kicked ass back there and with more planing we could get out of here. You brought it up yourself."

Val put her hand over my mouth. "Shh! They could hear you. Speaking of them, they would come after us if we even did escape." "Yeah but we would've escaped...cops, friends, family, they could protect us just as much as we can protect ourselves." I explained. "...Ill talk to Ben about it later." The door opened again with the same male White Coat. "Mrs. Waters it is you turn to visit the Clinic." He said.

Where was Celeste? All Valerie could focus on was the hallway. Ben, Nikolai, and Bradie were being hauled off with handcuffs and Ben had that helmet on his head. Handcuffs? Really? The male White Coat took a teary eyed Valerie away from our room. I stood in the door way, watching the White Coats transfer them away from here. For some odd reason I was going to miss that annoying brat, Bradie. He caught me looking at him and smirked. I just rolled my eyes and waved him off, closing the door.

Dated once, never again. I don't think I could handle another heart break. I walked around the room, clueless. Thunder sounded in the distance and I stopped in my tracks, trying to not run and hide. A flash of lightning followed by thunder. I sat against a wall and brought my knees up to my chest, burying my face in my knees. Stupid storm. The door opened one more time, again the male White Coat. Before he could say anything I got up walking out the door. "I know, don't say anything." I said.

He injected something in my neck that sent my blood on fire and I couldn't move at all. I saw and felt him drag me away but I couldn't move. He placed me on a cold, metal table and he strapped my writs and ankles down. Dude, I cant move AND you restrain me?? The lady I most despised approached me. "I like you better this way." She said. I growled at her. It was all I really could do. The male White Coat took out a huge needle, literally, it was huge.

He slowly put the needle in my arm and once it was at a good spot for him, he took my blood. Lots of it to. They took a snipping of my hair, my spit, one of my nail's, an eyelash, some of my skin, and a tear. While they did all that my head was spinning from loss my loss of blood.

"Send her back to her room and lock the three in there. I don't want them sneaking out to their friends across the field." The stupid lady White Coat said. She knew how to get on peoples nerves. "Yes Nora." A male White Coat said, picking up my still body and taking me back to my room.

So Nora was her name. As we walked down a stretch of hallway I couldn't help but notice we were alone. Dumb asses. As we had been going down the hallway I could already feel the side effects from whatever they injected into me wearing off. I punched the White Coat in the throat and in his...personal area then bolted for my room. He was already catching up to me with more White Coats coming from every direction possible. How many people worked here?

I ran in my room and leaned against the door. I locked it too for extra help. Valerie and Celeste looked at me confused as White Coats tried getting in and I was the only one preventing that from happening. "Open the window...We're busting out of here." I said. And we did just that.


THE END! Lol just kidding. So this isn't very long and its a bit rushy but I just wanted to get to this part already. So...I hope you liked it! Check out the trailer if you haven't already! :)) Comment, Vote, Tell your friends, spread the word! Idk, Thanks!!! -Taylor

This was veryy short but I have done what I could to expand it and not be so "rushy". Enjoy?

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