She Wants Me

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my moma and I just moved to Detroit from califonia its a little different ion mind tho. we didn't have the things we had in California but we made the best of it. the worst thing about moving is going to a new school I hate making new friends and there always people who wanna pick on the new kids some times. I just wanna go back to were I came from like they tell me I have been going to Haywood high school for 3 months I had a few friends Prince and Lance they were nice to me when I first came there people always said something about my hair like I look like a girl. Some girls loved it they talked me then the boys would hate on me but its one girl in particular that caught my eye YN she was so beautiful she was that girl every boy wanted and girls hated on. she was different I could tell no matter how hard she seemed on the outside. me and my mom had to go to washer because ours didn't get here yet

so I was sittin in the washer with my mom when this amazing girl with a high ponytail and tight jeans and a hoodie walked in with 2 kids

"Don't play in here sit down" she told the boy and girl I seen her at school before she was the most popular girl but I know she would never notice me so I decide to walk over and talk to her "Hey" she just nodded her head I was so embarrassed I just walked back over by my mom and sat down


I hated Sunday mornings cause I always gotta go to the washer and wash all the clothes but I do it for my family tho my moma sick she cant be doing this I decided to take the kids with me so they wouldn't bother moma while she was sleeping Alicia is my Sister even tho shes 7 and im 18 Jordan he's mine he's 3 I had him at a young age my mom was pissed at first but it was all good I could handle em when. I walk in the washer then this dude walked up to me and said hey and me being me I nodded my head then he went away I gotta admit he was a a little cutie but I aint worried about him I start washing our clothes Jordan and Alicia continue to run around and play in the washer alicia hits Jordan he begans to cry

"ma licia hit me" he says cryin

I got down on my knees grab him by the hand he look him in the eye

"stop all that dam cryin Jordan u a boy " I could feel people watching me I didn't care its a hard world and I want my son to be ready for it and beside who are they to tell me what to do with my child he came out of me

"now yall sit down right now I aint gne tell yall ass no more act like yall got some home training"

"im sorry" they both said together

"Don't be sorry just" I let out a loud sigh and put my hand on my head "just listen to what I say ok"

they nodded


I cant lie I watch her the whole time I couldn't believe she cursed at that kid but hey maybe that's how they do it here maybe I need to learned that. I wanted to talk to YN but I know she's so into Prodigy I think he's her boyfriend tho my mom notice what I was doin

"Ray why are u watching that girl you know her"

"uhh yeah she goes to my school"

"well you just stay away from her"

"why" I said kinda angry

"cause she's one of those badd girls"

"ma just cause she looks like a bad girl doesn't mean she is and plus I might like bad girls"

she laughs "your just like your father"

I walked over to the vending machince

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