Chapter 5:

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Chapter 5.:

"HERE SIT RIGHT HERE!" Blackstar shouted as he yanked Clears arm when they walked in the classroom. He then threw her in the seat next to where he and Tsubaki sat. He grinned. "NOW I HAVE SOMEONE I CAN COPY OFF OF HAHA!" He grinned and laughed loudly. Clear sat there,looking at the blue haired kid with widened eyes, she just nodded. "Blackstar i think you scaring her.." Tsubaki said with a gentle voice as she nervously tapped on her meisters shoulder. Blackstar turned around and looked at Tsubaki in her indigo eyes,he smirked. "OF COURSE SHE ISNT! SHE IS JUST SHY LIKE CRONA! AND BESIDES IM A STAR!! IS IT BAD TO BE FEARED?!" Blackstar shouted and flailed his arms around like a child as he ranted. "Oh hey Clear..!" Clear heard a cheery voice behind her, it was Maka. "I didnt know you would be in my class." She smiled, sitting next to Soul. Soul chuckled as he watched Blackstar,still shouting at his weapon. Maka glared. "Blackstar is so annoying sometimes.." She stated. Clear sat there,looking at Blackstar,just like Soul and Maka.

"Hey girl are you new?" A high pitched cheery voiced beamed on the left of Clear. It was Patty thompson, and walking behind her was her sister, Liz. And there meister, Death the Kid. Clear nodded quietly. Patty grabbed Clears hand and shook it real fast. "Hiya! Im Patty!" The blonde said gleefully then pointed to her sister. "This is my big sis Liz! She's afraid of ghost!" Patty giggled. "Patty dont tell people that!" Liz moped and put her hands on her hips. "Hi! Nice to meet you!" Patty then pointed to Kid. "And thats Kid! He loves symmetry!!" Patty giggled again. Kid nodded as he sat down. "Its true. Symmetry is a glorious thing. And what might your name be?" Clear stood silent for a moment,but sighed and spoke. "C-clear..." She studdered. Patty beamed. "Wow your name is Clear?! THAT NAME IS SO PRETTY!" The blonde girl then began to play with Clear's white hair. "And your hair is pretty too!" She giggled.

A couple minutes later, Proffesor Stein finally walked into the class room, bringing in another innocent creature. "Hello class." He said as he looked around, he then spotted Clear. "I see we have a new student,whats your name dear?" He asked as he kept his eyes on Clear. Clear shook and hid under her hoodie. Maka smiled. "Thats Clear. She is a little shy."

Stein nodded. "I see. Are you a weapon or a meister..?" He asked.

"I w-want to be a meister..."

She answered quietly.

"Well then you will become a meister." He nodded and turned to the caged innocent creature. "Okay class we have alot to do today.."

Maka leaned in and whispered in Clears ear with a mumble. "Gee..another poor innocent thing to dissect." Maka sighed. "D-dissect..?!" The white haired girl asked with shock.


~After class,Dissmisal~

Clear waited outside the classroom for Silver to come so they could walk home. "Hey Clear." Soul said as he walked out the class room with Maka. "Were walking home with you and Silver,that okay with you?" He asked.

Clear nodded. Silver came running down the hall and wrapped his arms around his little sister, giving her an embracing hug. "Soo how was your first day?" He smiled. "Did you like it? Were you okay without me?" He chuckled.

Clear nodded. "Y-yeah it was good.."

Maka,Clear,Soul and Silver walked out the doors of the DWMA. "Hey guys you should come to our house!" Maka beamed. Soul nodded in agreement.

Clear and Silver exchanged looks. Silver shook his head. "We would love to but we gotta go home." He said dissapointed. Maka shrugged and smiled. "Oh okay,but if you change your mind,heres the adress!" Maka said as she handed a paper with an adress written on it to Clear. She sighed. "I was hoping you would come over. But theres always next time right?" The siblings both nodded and waved as they walked away. "Bye guys!!" Silver shouted and waved with a grin. "B-bye.." Clear waved shyly.


~"Home"... ~

When Clear and Silver walked in the house, Step-dad was there waiting for them,sitting on the rusty old couch with an almost empty bottle of whisky. "Clear..WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?!" He shouted,quite drunk, yet really angry.

Clear stood frozen still,yet she was shaking. She knew she had to answer. "A-at the DWMA..." She said quietly as she looked down at the wooden floor.

He stood up and grabbed Clear by her collar,then tossing her to the other side of the room so she would hit the wall. "Who said you could go to the DWMA?! Not me i know that for a fact!!" The drunken man yelled furiously. She whimpered and cried a little bit. "I-im sorry..i just wanted to be a m-meister..." She said quietly, tears running down her face as she sat against the wall,back hurting like hell.

"I dont give a damn! You little bitch did i ever say to disobey me?!" He then grasped the whisky bottle and hit Clear right on the head with it. She didnt return an answer, her vision got dark and her head was spinning. "Clear!!" Silver shouted as he watched this happen. Before Clear completly passed out, she saw her brothers arm turn into a blade...


~Later that night...~

Hours later.. Clear finally had woken up. She looked around at her house...Broken glass everywhere, things had been thrown..even holes in the walls. "S-sil...?" She called out quietly,looking for her brother in the darkness. She turned her head and saw her brother..Laying on the floor in a puddle of blood..a knife deep inside his stomach. "S-SIL..?!" Clear shouted as she ran over to her brother and crouched down. She gently shook him. "SIL WAKE UP.. Wake up.. SIL..." She attempted several times to wake him up,but nothing happened. Silver is dead... "SIL!!!!" She shouted as she layed her head in her brothers chest and began to cry..more then she had ever cried. She cried louder andore harder then he ever had.. "SIL.. C-COME BACK I NEED YOU....!!" She shouted louded as tears shot down her cheeks. "PLEASE..!!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. "No..why me..?" She hugged her brother tightly. "I-ill miss you Sil..." She whispered. After a while she looked down at her hands..she realized his blood had covered her hands. Clear cried more and almost puked at the sight of her blood covered hands. She ran up to the bathroom to wash her hands. When she opened the door.. She saw Step-dad had hung himself...He dangled from the celing as a roped was tied around his neck. Clear screamed. There was a note on the floor.

"I killed Silver.. I regret nothing.."

Clear trembled as she read that and ran backstairs and cried more,sitting next to her brother. "I-i dont know what to do!! This is a nightmare..." Clear sighed and shoved her hands in her pockets as she sobbed. She then felt a small paper in her pocket..It was Maka's adress. "S-should i take Sil there..? I need help burying him next to mom..." She thought in her head, letting out a sad sigh. She put her arm around her brothers body and took him outside. A tear streamed down her face. "C-cmon Sil.." She talked to him as if he could hear her. "Y-your gonna get buried next to mom..maybe someday ill come with you.."

She struggled as she walked him outside into the late,cold,night.

It was 12:51 in the night..and Clear was going to Maka's house.

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