Chapter 13

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Doctor: Well we had to took Mr. Stevenson to get surgery because his heart failed im sorry but

Nelly : But what?!?!

Wiz: Calm down Nells , im sure Tyga's fine *looks at Doctor* Right Doc?

Doctor: Huh? oh you might wanna take a sit

Nelly sat down and Wiz sat next to Amber

Doctor: There no easy way to say this , but Mr. Stevenson wont make it another night unless we put him on life support

Nelly and Amber started crying , Wiz look as if he was fulled with angry and regret , Wiz wants to kill Kayne also , but then he started thinking about his family

Nelly: *Crying* If he is on life support will he wake up?

Doctor: Theres a posbley

Nelly: Try that

the doctor noded and walked to Tyga's room , there were three nurses in there. But when they got in there Tyga was awake .

Doctor: *walks to Nelly* Well i'll be damned he's awake

Nelly *Wide eyes* Really

she didnt give the doctor time to say anything , she ran to tyga room and seen him still hooked up to cords and machines

Nelly *crying* Tyga?

Tyga : *weaky smiles* hey wifey

Nelly*Lightly hugs him* i missed you soooo much

Tyga slowly patted the side of the bed so Nelly could lay next to him , Nelly slowly climbed into the bed , Tyga put his hand on her thigh and she jumped

Tyga: whats wrong

Nelly: Nothing

Tyga: yes it is , is it you thigh?

Nelly*Nods yes*

Tyga: Show me

Nelly*Shakes head no*

Tyga: Please

Nelly got up locked the room door, pulled down her pants , Tyga lightly gasped at the bruses

Tyga: You did that?

Nelly*Nods yes*

Tyga: Talk to me please

Nelly pulled her jeans back up and got in the bed , Tyga and Nelly talked for a good two hours , then Wiz came in

Wiz: Wasup bruh , how you feeling

Tyga: Like hell *weakly smiles*

Wiz: I'll be back

Wiz walked out the room and went outside he cried his eyes out , he was so hurt to know is bestfriend could die in so much pain . Wiz was also upset , he was upset that he wasnt playing attenion  when him and Kayne fought for the last time , he wish he could take it back but he cant , the damage is done


I didnt want to leave Tyga , so i decided to stay we took thousands of picture , and talked and laughed. i know at the end of the die he'll still been in this hell hole dieing slowly , and the doctors are trying everything they can to help him , but nothing isnt working .

it was about 2:30 in the morning when the nurse came and put Tyga on life support , it hard really bad to know he probably wouldnt make it thru the night without it . i cried when the lady give him the meds and put air tubes thru his nose and added another machine to the room

After that was over , i got back in the bed with Tyga and we slowly went to sleep , i was praying to God this wont be my last night laying next to the man im in love with , so before we fully went to sleep i woke Tyga up and confessed my feelings for him

Nelly* tearing up* I wanna tell you something , something very important , Tyga from day i met you , to the day we got married , to the day we had Michael and Michelle , and til now i want you to know that i will and forever love you , from all the bullshit to alll the laughs i'll always be yours no matter what . Michael i will forever love you . im in love with you , *crys* Please dont leave me

Tyga: *tear flows* I love you to Nelly , and i will always love you no matter what 

they kissed and went to sleep , the next morning Nelly woke up to a Beeeeeeeeep 

Nelly *crying* DOCTOR!

she looked around and seen the doctor was already standing there with alot of nurses around them , they looked sad

Doctor: Im so sorry Mrs. Stevenston

wwhen the doctor said that my whole world came crashing down at one time , i was crying and holding on to Tyga asking him to come back , but he didnt . I cried and cried until i couldnt do it anymore 

it was time for me to stop crying and get revange for Tyga. And nobodys gonna stop me , the old Nelly is gone . 

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