You're Such A Tease

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I growl, and he lets a deep growl escape from his throat. He tries to kiss me and use his tongue, but I dont let him. He sticks a hand in my jean shorts, makes his way to my panties, and starts touching me and pumping. Of course, I open my mouth to moan his name, and then he gets his opportunity and he's kissing me while I'm being touched, and I'm trying not to moan into his mouth, which would turn him on even more. "Harry..."I say, breathlessly. "What?" he says, voice high, trying to be sarcastic. I keep from moving my head side to side with my eyes closed, so I'm biting my lower lip. "Harry...stop...please.." I pleed, breathlessly, again. "There it is baby." he mutters. "Harry... I never broke up with Steven..yet.." I manage to say, my voice shaky. "Well, I'm going to make love to you better than he ever would have." I shake my head in protest. "No Harry..P-Please.." "Yes Katie, I can take care of you. I can show you that I love you. I'll treat you right." he whispers into my ear, giving me even more shivers. "" I say. I feel like i've ran a mile. My heart's racing and my breaths are getting a bit faster, because Harry's fingering is getting faster too. "No." he says. I start to get frustrated, and then Harry starts pumping in a certain angle. "Harry I'm gonna.." "Don't, Katie." "Harry.." I whine. It would sound more like a whine, if I weren't so out of breath apparently. He pumps and a few times he would pump hard and go soft again. "Harry" I moan. I wouldn't scream his name, I'd just say it with my moan. I've never felt this before. It felt so uncomfortable, but it felt good at the same time. I start biting my lower lip again, to keep me from moaning and making Harry successful. I saw Harry was doing something else with his other hand. "Harry w-what are you d-d---" Before I finished, I could tell he was taking off his shorts. "You're hands are so big, and your fingers are so long." I tease. "They're long so that I can please you, babe." he responds. I grab his hand with both of my hands, since he let me go now. Both of his hands are busy, and I try to pull him out. I pull him out, and a wave of relief hits me. And then.. he goes into me. He starts thrusting, slow but hard. I shut my eyes, and I pray this is all a dream. "Harry..stop" I mumble. "I don't want to" he complains. "You're going to be a toughie.. but I like that. I'll make it work." he says with a wink. I roll my eyes, and he starts thrusting faster in a different angle. "H-Harry..." This time, I guess now he knows I'm just gonna complain, so he completely ignored me. He starts faster. I keep thinking in my head that it's just my imagination, and that we're still hovering over each other, just staring at each other and giving light kisses. But in real life, I know that wasn't happening. I pray that noone will find out, especially Steven.

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