Sleepover? Not So Much. So Close, Yet So Far.

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We get to the hotel, and he takes me with him til we get to his room. Then, he lets go of my wrist. "I don't want to be here." I complain. "Stop complaining, do you want your bed sheets to be dirty, or mine?" he says with a smirk. I kick him in the balls, and respond. "Harry, I never said we were going to." He stays quiet, holding his balls while he's on the floor. "my..balls.." he says, his voice high-pitched. I laugh at how stupid he is, and then I see Lou walk in. "Harry, I need you to take care of Lux for me!" "Sure Lou." "Thanks Harry" She leaves, and I stare down at Baby Lux. "Awwww...what a cutie" I say. I bend down, and pet her head. I tickle her and she giggles, those adorable little baby giggles that I love. "Now we definently can't." I say to Harry, who's recovered. I grab Harry's beanie from the dresser, and I put it on Lux. "Awwww!" I say. "Yeah, I need to take care of her." he finally says. "She's so cute!" "Not as cute as me" he says, with a wink. I roll my eyes, and playfully push him. 3 hours go by and it's full of Sesame Street, beanies, crying, kids movies, and giggling. I lay on the couch, hair messed up, and Harry's sitting on the chair next to the couch, with Lux on his lap. Lou walks in again. "Thanks for taking care of Lux, Harry!" She picks up lux, tickles her, and walks out with her. "Now we can get to work" says Harry, his voice relieved. "Lets just watch a movie." He picks a movie disc and great enough, it's a scary movie. "Noooo Harry...whyyy" I whine. "I'm right here, don't worry." He pulls a blanket from his bed to the living room and we both are covered by the blanket. I'm laying down, my head on his lap as he strokes my hair and we watch the movie. I would jump a lot and hide under the blanket, and finally the movie was over like another 2 dreadful hours later. "I'm gonna go to bed Harry, I'm tired." "I thought we could you know.. have some fun before you'd fall asleep." "But Harry I'm really tired." "Alright, Alright go get some rest babe." I lay down, not covered yet, and start getting drowzy. He lightly kisses my lips, which startles me a bit, but I quickly recover since I'm so tired. "Harry I'm tired." I warn him. "Too tired for this?" He leans down and kisses me deeply, as I run my hand through his curls. "But Har-" "or this" he cuts me off, as he kisses my neck lightly, leaving little wet kisses. "Thought so." he chuckled, as I smiled a little. He looked down at me, as I bit my lip. "I know you want to do it." he said, his voice deep. He took his shirt off, and undid mine,too.

I sat up, and looked him in the eyes while I bit my lower lip. He went behind me. "May I?" he asked. I don't know if I fully wanted to go through with this, so I said no. "No..not yet." I responded. He took his shorts off, and sat down on a chair. I sat on his lap, and I felt his bulge grow harder against me. I bite my lip even harder to keep me from doing anything I'll regret, and I tried to look away from him as much as possible. He kissed my neck leaving more wet kisses, to my collarbone, and then he picked me up and layed me down on the bed. He gave me two lovebites trailing each other, as I lightly moaned. "Oh Harry.." I said. He stopped and smiled at me, and kept kissing me. I never took my bra off, and he didn't seem to care. I don't like being nude, especially infront of a guy. So this was kinda weird for me. He kissed me from my collarbones, to my stomach. He gave me a light kiss on the lips before he would start. "You sure?" "I guess.." He pulls my panties off, along with my shorts, and my cheeks turn light red. He put two fingers in me, and started circling them, and pumping them. I kept getting impatient, until finally I said: "H-Harry stop being a tease, you know I want you in me." I bite my lip again, realizing I had actually said that out loud. He took his fingers out, and gave me another light kiss. "I want you to scream my name, tonight" he whispered, low and raspy. I help him take off his boxers, and I think I'm going to regret this night so much. I remember the dirty things I thought of when we were  boxing today, and I saw his V-line. "Like what you see?" he repeated. I giggled at his words, because he said the same thing when he caught me looking at his v-line. I pull him gently down by tugging on his airplane necklace's chain, and kiss him sweetly. I make it from his neck to his collarbone, and leave four lovebites. "Payback." I tell him. "Oh Katie..mmmm" he moans my name. He opens my legs a bit, and I just go along with it. I have to lose my virginity some time right? No not right I don't know what I'm doing. I can't turn back now though. Look where I am already. I get a little insecure and I over think a little bit, and ask Harry: "Are you sure you wanna do this?" He nods, and smiles, showing his adorable dimples as he grins at me. He enters, and starts hard and fast already. I could barely even speak, the only thing I could do, was what I didn't want to do. Moan. I bite my lip hard to keep me from moaning, and I lose it. "Harryyyy..." I moan. He smirks, and continues. "Feeling close?" he asks. "Harry.. I wanna--" "You wanna ride me don't you." he cuts me off. My face turns red, and I nod lightly, as he pulls out, and sits down on the chair again. "Careful" he warns. He slides all the way in, and I moan louder. "You're so tight, babe" he says. I don't answer, knowing that all I can do right now is moan. Its like my words have been sucked out of me. I went back and forth, hearing him moan and moan my name a few times. "K-Katie..." he says breathlessly. "Yeah?" I respond. "Harder...F-Faster.." he pleads. I could tell I was doing good, because he was breathing really fast, and when he'd speak, he's sound breathless. "Alright.." I start moving a bit faster, and his moans become louder. He closes his eyes, and tilts his head back.  He'd tease me every now and then by doing a little hump, which would drive me insane. "Harry...I think I'm gonna..." "Wait for me" he whispers breathlessly. He pulls out, and we go back to the bed. "Lay down" he tells me. I lay down, and he starts fingering me again. "H-Harry.." "Payback." he says, in a mocking high-pitched girl tone. I moan in response, and then quickly shut up realizing I had just helped him reach success. "H-Harry..p-please..s-stop.." He enters me again, and thrusts really hard in a different angle. "H-Harry..I think--" "Go.." he whispers. I open my eyes, and so does he. My nails dig into his back, as I let go, and I feel that the feeling of me letting go, got to him too. I feel him release into me, and I arch my back. His thrusts become sloppy and he pulls out and lays down next to me, curls stuck to his forehead, breathing fast. We're both breathing fast, and trying to calm down. He hovers over me again, giving me sloppy kisses down my other side of my neck, and reaches my collarbone. This time, he goes back and leaves a bunch of lovebites at every single spot he's kissed. "With all of that energy.." he starts. "You couldn't have been tired. Look at all we just did!" I laugh, and so does he. Then, we fall asleep in each others' arms.

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