The Concert Finally Came. + "Oh God Harry!"

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We start our long drive, as I guess its time to get Harry back, but not yet. When we're a bit more than halfway there, we hit a red light, and I make my move. He turns on the radio and his bands' song, Rock Meis playing. Perfect. He's tapping on the open window, as I reach over, and put my hand on his lap. He ignores me, and sings along to the song. That's good. I move my hand,  on his special place, and he stops. I rub on his jeans, making him moan, and put his head back. "Payback" I whisper into his ear, as the light stays red. He keeps moaning, and biting his lip. "Ah, fuck" he moans, as I rub a bit harder. I move my hand back to my lap, and he finally opens his eyes and puts his head back normally. "Katie, oh god" I wink, as the light turns green and he drives. "You little tease" He growls. I smile, and then we get to the arena. "I'll be sitting!" I say, as I walk into the arena, and sit down in my seat. I make it through 5SOS, and finally the concert begins. The next 3 hours were followed by Take Me Home songs, Up All Night songs, and constant screaming. I smiled and recorded everything, as Harry winked at me during Last First Kiss. Security came, and took me backstage, because according to them, Harry told them to take me backstage. The last song finally finishes, and Harry's backstage. The other guys are outside, talking to fans and helping the crew pack up. Harry comes in, and we hug. "You were amazing!" I say, excitedly. He lets go, and pulls me to his dressing room, as the other come in happily. He pins me to the wall, and whispers all of the dirty things he wants to do to me as he kisses my neck, and nibbles on my earlobe. "I want you so badly" he groans, as he shuts the door and locks it. "H-Harry oh my god" I whisper as his sweaty body is pressed against me. I feel him grow hard, and I bite my lip. "Now this is YOUR payback, I always win" He whispers, as he kisses me roughly. He pins my wrists above my head and makes out with me, using his tounge, and exploring my mouth before sticking two fingers in me. He swirled them around, and then pulled them out, and in, out and in. He then stopped, pulls them out, and licks them. "You taste so good, babe" I gasp, and he presses his tounge in my mouth, again. 

He takes off the jean shorts I have, followed by my socks and shoes. He then takes off my tanktop, as I grab my blouse and put it back on completely. Basically, now all I was wearing was a blouse, a bra, and underwear. He lifts me up by my waist, and sits me on the edge of a table, as he undoes the blouse I wore ontop of my tank top. I look up at him as I bite my lip, and he gives me a smirk followed by a wink, as I put both of my hands beside me, to keep me up on the edge of the table. The table was so tall, that my legs were dangling. He kisses me, then lightly bites my bottom lip before licking it. I almost begged for him. He kisses from my jawline, to my collarbones, down my breasts to my stomach. He looks up with another wink, and I raise an eyebrow, because I don't understand what he's going to do next. Before I know it, he grabs both of my legs, spreads them a bit, and then moves the underwear to the side. I look down, and before I know it, he starts eating me out. He slowly licked me from bottom to top, as I leaned a bit onto him, and shut my eyes tight. He later moved to the clit. He swirled his tounge around in circles, as I put my hands on his head, fingers intertwined with his curls. He kept going in long, slow circles, and I bit my lip really hard as I started breathing faster. "F-Fuck Harry" I moan, as he goes a bit faster, making me pull his hair a bit. I helped him keep going, by moving his head a bit down, to the 'sweet spot' I start moaning uncontrollably, and my eyes are still closed. He finally stops, and I gasp, as he looks down at me. "I bet you liked that" he mutters, as my eyes are wide and I'm breathing fast. "Yeah, I did-" I blurt out, before covering my mouth. He smiles, and kisses my forehead as I get off of the table. "Continue?" he asks, as I turn to face him. "No babe, this is a dressing room and I need to get home" he frowns. "Fineee" he whines, before helping me get dressed and leaving with me. As we go outside, we see his bandmates with their arms crossed. "Dirty. Dirty. Dirty." teases Niall, followed by the rest doing a Tsk Tsk noise. "Let's go home, I need to sleep, I'm tired." "I bet you are" teases Louis, followed by sticking his tounge out at me. I roll my eyes, and we drive home. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2013 ⏰

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