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McGee's POV:

"Abby, you are not aware?" Ziva laughed. She wouldn't would she?
"Of what Ziva?" Abby smiled.
"McGee loves you" She made sure she said loved longer than the rest of the words.
"McGee?" Abby turned around to look at me.
I sighed.
"Is it true?" She whispered softly.
"Sorry Abs" I looked away.
"Stay away from me" she pointed her finger at me. I'd never seen Abby angry, it was scary.
Her and Ziva faded away, as did the office.
I jerked my head up. Why is it me who has to have these nightmares?
I walked into my small bathroom, which was all white, and sat on the edge of the tub.
I have to tell her. Today. I thought.
After I'd..finished in the bathroom, I walked back out and slumped down onto my couch.
Beep beep beep.
What was that?
Beep beep beep.
It sounded like a fire alarm. My upstairs neighbour, Mrs Crawford must've done something to it.
"Mrs Crawford!" I shouted up at the ceiling.
"Yes Timothy?" I could literally see her sweet smile.
"Is your fire alarm beeping?" I shouted again. We always shouted through the ceiling/floor to each other.
"No Timothy, that's yours" She sounded happy still.
"Oh, sorry Mrs Crawford!" I sighed.
It wasn't mines, I would've heard it from the bathroom as its right outside the door.
I turned down the TV which I must have left on from the previous night and stood up. I'll follow the sound.
It was coming from my fridge.
I threw the fridge door open, causing it to hit off the wall beside it. I had to go shopping- it was empty.
I pulled the fridge out from the wall a little so as I could see behind it, nothing there.
I listened closely. It's coming from behind the wall- my cupboard.
I tip toed round the wall until I was in front of my cupboard door, before swinging it open.
I scanned from top to bottom until my heart dropped. My stomach started to turn and I felt sweat forming on the palms of my hands.
A small cardboard box, containing a green motherboard from a computer and several red and green wires say in front of me. A small red lighted flashed next to a timer, which was currently at 17, wait 16 now.
It was counting down in seconds.
15, 14, 13.
My heart was racing. I had to get out, but I couldn't abandon my home, and my kind neighbours and let anything happen to them.
What would Gibbs do?

Unknown POV:

I watched Mr McGee from the rooftop opposite his apartment.
The amusement of his fear, it gave me an adrenaline rush.
He was still standing, staring at the bomb when it was at five seconds.
Five, four, three, two,one.
I smirked as the cloud of flame and thick black smoke blew out his little white windows.
I looked at the aftermath of what I'd caused- a half crumbling building, lit up only by the inferno which burned within it.
I continued to smirk at the disaster I had caused as I pulled my cell phone out my pocket. One I picked up at the newsagents- very hard to trace. Mr McGee would have known how to trace it. I could help it as I smiled.
Gibbs will not know what is coming his way.
"Yeah, Gibbs" He answered a mere few seconds after I dialled his number.
"Hello, Mr Gibbs" I made my accent stand out.
"Who is this?" He sounded very serious.
"Well hello to you too" I looked around me, "I suppose you are wondering where Mr McGee is?"
"Yeah" He said angrily.
"Well he is in his apartment. I can no longer see him, not with all the smoke and flames" I laughed and pushed the hang up button.
Suddenly I heard police sirens. Time to go.
Ziva will get exactly what is coming to her.



*cliffhanger* :)
Anyway I know this is mainly centered on McGee but it's a lead up to a little McAbby scene.

Updating the next chapter ASAP!


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