Chapter 2. The Amnesia

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(A/N ~ Sorry for no update last week! "Eto" = "Um", "Daijōbu desu ka?" = "Are you okay",  "Gomen Ne" means "I'm sorry", and " Nani" = "what" in Japanese. "Mwo" = "What" in Korean.)

"When is she going to wake up?" I heard a familiar male voice say in impatientness and worry.

"Judging by the severe injury to her head, it is hard to say." I assume the doctor said.

"She's been out for 4 months already, Doctor." The voice slightly raised their voice.

"I am aware of that. We must wait and be thankful she has been cleared from the critical condition." The Doctor said as he was out the door.

So, I'm in a hospital.

But what exactly happened to me? Why do I have a severe head injury? Did someone inflict this on me? Was I abused? Where did I even come from?

Most importantly...

Who am I?

As these questions came down like rapid raindrops on a car roof, my eyes shot open.

And oh shit that hurt so much!

Wait... Car. Roof.

House party.



80-speed limit.

The opposite side of the road.

Car crash.


Pain everywhere.

Man and pregnant wife died.



I opened my mouth and tried to speak but it was too dry to utter a word.

I looked around at my surroundings. Where's that guy? It didn't sound like Oppa.

"Op-!!" I rasped out as hard as I could.

I tried to sit up but the pounding in my head was setting off sirens.

Police sirens.

I groan in pain as another massive pang goes through my head.

Where's my brother? Why is he not by my side? Why did he not wait for me to wake up?

The guy that was talking to the doctor rush to me and softly smiled. I could see him holding back his tears.

This isn't Merivic.

He embraced me in a soft yet firm hug and was heavily shaking. I felt an overwhelming sense of familiarity for this guy.

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