Hoop #1

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"Ok we're here" My dad announced as we arrived at Baylor University. I had to quickly put my finger over his mouth to quiet him, being that it was 3:47 in the morning and most students would be sleep.

"Dad, Me and Amir are going to check in our dorms. You and Gabrielle can go with Alexis" My eldest brother, Damien said and grabbed his large suitcases and proceeded to the boys dorms with my second oldest brother, Amir.

"Ok daddy, I'm going to unpack while you go sign all the papers and stuff" I told my father as we finally reached room C116.

"Do you need me to help, or anything?" My stepmother, Gabrielle asked.

"No" I answered quickly. I didn't want her anywhere near me. I had to deal with her for 4 years and today is the day I can finally be free from her.

"Ok" She replied softly and walked away with my dad. As I was just about to open my dorm room, it flung open. There stood a girl who looked around my age. She had gorgeous dark grey eyes, a Mocha Brown skin complexion, and some hazel, blonde curly wild hair.

"Hi, I'm Hazel Byrd" coincidence.

"Hey, I'm Alexis Wade" I responded shaking her hand. She scrunched her eyebrows together , for confusion.

"Wait, aren't you Dwyane Wade's daughter"

"Yeah" I smiled.

"I'm a huge fan"

"That's nice" This girl and I will have no problems.

"Well I have to go get the rest of bags so I'll be back" She walked away down the gold and green tiled hallway. I proceeded into the room.

The room was occupied with 2 full sized beds, and 2 working area desks. It was a pretty big room to be a college dorm, but who was I to complain.

"Wait, are these the girls dorms" A slightly deep, yet familiar voice spoke. I stopped unpacking and faced the door where the most beautiful boy stood. He stood proudly at an estimated 6'1 frame, intimidating my 5'7 height. His complexion was a bit brighter, and more caramel then mine. And his freckles stuck out the most under his eyes, which were a dark brown.

"Uh' yeah"

"Sorry" He turned his back towards mine and then walked towards the door, until I stopped him with my sudden blurt out my mouth.

"Chris?" He turned around and squinted his eyes at me.

"Alexis?" I jumped up and ran up to him, squeezing his torso as he did the same to me. I let go and took a step back.

"Damn, you don't look like the same 15 year old" I joked.

"You talkin' bout' me, look at you" He said and scanned my body with his arm reached out.

"You know my dad, Amir, and Damien are here too?"

"Foreal'? I guess I'll go look for em' right now, since I have to go find my room" I nodded in an understanding way and he walked back out the room.

"Who was that? Your boyfriend?" Hazel asked walking in the room with a large suitcase and handbag.

"Oh him? No, he was my bestfriend" I assured her.

"Was? What happened?"

"My family moved". I didn't want to tell Hazel all my business, being that we just met an hour ago.


"Well, I'm going to find my family to tell them bye" I walked out my room and outside, towards the main building. Once inside I saw everybody.

"Well I guess this is it" My dad said wiping fake tears. My dad pulled my brothers to the side, to give them "the talk" about the college life, and that stuck me with Gabrielle.

"So are you excited about college" She spoke breaking the silence I was trying to create.

"I don't know"

"Meet any new friends?"


"See any cute boys?"

"You know I don't want to talk to you so why do you insist on having this conversation" I said shutting her down real quick. Gabrielle isn't the cliché "Evil Stepmother" but I just don't care for her that much.

"Ok your turn" My dad said walking away from the boys and towards me. Gabrielle went to go talk with them, and since they have no problems with her, I could tell they were going to have a nice civilized talk.

"I already know daddy, so no need to talk to me"

"I just wanted to say I love you so much, and I want your college years to be memorable, but not regretful. You have to take full responsibility for yourself. Your my youngest, and only daughter, so you know you have a spot in my heart that no one will ever take"

"I love you too dad"

"You know your mom would be so proud right now? Even though we had you guys at a very young age, we love all of you, and treated you so good. I know if your mom were here she would smile, that beautiful smile of hers that you both share, and say I love you" I smiled and gave my dad the biggest hug.

"I love you too daddy, and mom already knows I will always love her too" After our heart-to-heart moment, all of us joined each other again.

"Amir, I will be at your football games, Damien I'll be at your boxing matches and baby girl you know I'll be at your basketball games" He told us right before we all said our final goodbyes.

"We made it" I said to my brothers as I wrapped my arms around there necks and we walked down the hall. Like a boss.


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