Hoop #2:

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"Basketball camp starts Monday" I examined the flyer that hung on the wall across from my dorm room. Baylor was going to start a basketball camp, to prepare those for the tryouts. Of course, having high self-esteem, I don't think I need the practice, but I guess I'll go for fun.

"So, your still into basketball, huh?" I knew that voice. I turned around just to make sure I wasn't crazy, and I certainly was not.

"Chris? What are you doing here? I thought boys were prohibited from girls dorms"

"We are, but only after curfew" I answered his reply with a simple "Oh".

"So, like I was saying, your still into basketball?"

"Oh course, basketball truly is life" We both laughed at the so-often used phrase that I had just repeated. "What about you".

"What do you mean"

"Boy, you knew you would always talk about being the next Micheal Jordan" I explained laughing a bit.

"Oh right, well I still love basketball, just like you" I nodded.

"So how is Ms. Brown?" I asked referring to his mother and also my "second mom"

"She's doing good, pretty good actually. I told her about our little meet up yesterday"

"That's good"

"So, how's your fam'?" He asked.

"Good, my dad is just starting training camp and my brothers are already trying to look for their future 'baby mamas'" He chuckled.

"Your not the only one that has crazy brothers, or in my case, brother"

"Oh yeah, how is my little Myles doing"

"Man, he's living that fame life, you know he's the hype man for that group Mindless Behavior?"

"Wow, no I didn't know that"

"Yeah" We stood there as a wave of silence approached us.

"Well, I should get going" I insisted.

"Wait, do you want to go to that Starbucks across the street, with me?" He asked hopefully. I hated to turn down those big black eyes. I always hated to, and he knew that.

"Of course" I smiled. We walked down the long hallway, until we reached on of the many exits to the building. As we walked outside, The humid breeze rushed threw my straightened brown hair. But it didn't phase me to much, since I had natural silk hair, like my mother. The breeze stopped as we entered the double glass doors of Starbucks café. Coffee beans and Hazelnut filled my nostrils as we looked for an empty booth to sit at. It was a soft tune playing, just so the café wouldn't be too quiet. But I knew the music that was playing was no other than Die Young by Ke$ha.

"So, how do you like Baylor so far?" I asked him once we sat down and after buying our two Orange juices.

"It's pretty cool, what about you?"

"It's nice, me and my roommate are getting pretty close".

"I don't even have a roommate. But shit, I'm not complaining" I laughed.

"Anything new happen with these 4 years?"

"No, not really"

"Same here. I'm just happy to finally be in college, so what's your major?"

"Other than basketball, I'm focusing on General Phycology"

"Cool, same with the basketball thing, but my back up is Physical Trainer, Or Nursing" I replied.

"I'm surprised your not doing Chorus, with that voice" I smiled. He remembered.

"My mom always told me I should use it"

"Yea, I remember"

"I still can't believe it's been four years, you look so different" I cooed.

"Same here, I was so pissed that day you had to leave, I didn't know I could live without you" He chuckled.

"Me either, but somehow I made it" We were now getting up, to throw put trash away. I was about to walk out the door, until he stopped me.

"So what do you say, we go shoot some hoops?"

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