Hoop #9

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"Shit" I silently cursed at my self, but it was too late. The female referee had formed her hands in the shape of a "T" and called the technical foul.

"Wade. Get over here" Coach called a time out once the foul shots were made.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Your my best player, so act like it". She kept her voice to a minimum, trying not to get another technical foul.

"Yes ma'am" I got back in the game, after the referee put the game back in action I walked down to the half court line, dribbling the ball. I called play "Georgia" and looked to my post players, neither were opened so I past the ball to Joanna, a guard. After cutting to the basket, I called for the ball, and made the shot.

The score was now 102-99. We were winning, but we could do better. I could do better.

After pushing myself, we won, 123-101. It's not our best, but we still won.

I grabbed my towel and a water bottle, preparing for the lecture from my dad.

"Hey daddy" I may still be mad at him over this whole marriage, but he's still my father.

"Baby girl, you did great but-

"I know, I can do better" I finished his sentence and took a sip of water.

"Well I'm not gonna give you a lecture because then I would be late for Damien's game, but I love you, bye" He kissed my forehead and walked out the stadium. I was pissed, but only at myself. I was usually a beast when it came to games.

"Good game"

"Please don't lie to me Hazel"

"I'm not, stop beating yourself up, at least you scored some points" She was right.


"So you wanna celebrate or nah" I laughed because she made the same click with her mouth as the boy did in the vine.

"I can't, I promised I would stay for Chris's game".

"Man, your the worst bestfriend ever".

"Sorry babes" You know the girls that call their friends baby, babes, or other cute couple names? Well we have that type of relationship.

"You can make it up to me by carrying me to my car"

"Hell no, I'm not a body presser"

"Well I guess I'm never forgiving you" I laughed, Hazel truly was a trip. I let her ride my back all the way to her car.

"I'll see you later, I'm staying for Chris's game"

"Ok" She drove off, and I walked back in the stadium.

About 2 hours later, Chris's game ended. Chris offered to drive me home since I rode with Hazel.

"Are you sure with the broken pinky?"

"I'm positive, and my finger is fine"

"Ok" He dropped my off and I saw Hazel with her glasses on, and her Mac book opened.

"Hey wife"

"Hey beauty, Watcha up too?"

"Studying, and bored out of my life, I've look at these notes probably about a millions time"

"Sorry, the boys game was kind of long"

"It's ok, you wanna play truth or dare?"

"Sure" I took my shoes off and jumped on my bed, sitting cross cross applesauce.

"Ok you first" I told her.

"Alright. Truth or dare?"


"Hmmm. is it true your a Virgin"

"Sure is. ok truth or-"

"Oh my gosh. Are you serious? But your 18" I had a feeling we weren't going to finish the game.

"Well I've never had a boyfriend, I never had the time since I played basketball so much".

"Wow Alexis. You really have to try it, it feels wonderful"

"How old were you when you lost it"



"Yea, it was on valentines day, it hurt in the beginning, but it felt great in the end"


"But don't feel like I'm pressuring you to do it, make sure you do it with someone you fully trust and love. virginity is something that you can never get back"

"Do you think there are other people my age that are still virgins"

"To be honest no, but again, don't feel pressured by me, wait until your ready"

"Good to know"

"Well I have to get ready for soccer try outs"

"Ok" After 30 more minutes Hazel left, and I was by myself, left in deep thought. I felt really out of place knowing I was possibly the only 18 year old that was still a virgin. And I hated it.

Knocking on the door 3 times, I almost thought this was a bad idea.

"Alexis? Hey. You ok?"

"Um yea, no, well maybe. I uh- can you take my virginity?". Chris laughed causing me to feel completely embarrassed.

"What? Why?" He said still chuckling.

"You know what? Never mind. I thought you being my closest friend, you could do me the favor but forget it now".

"Wait Alexis, I didn't mean to laugh. I just didn't expect you to show up at my dorm at 6:30 to take your virginity".

"I just thought you could because I know your not a Virgin and I don't want to be one anymore, so will you please take it?". He didn't answer but instead opened the door wider for me to come in. I sat on his bed and before his lips touched mine I put my finger over it.

"No. I don't want any lovey dovey stuff, just insert it, pop my cherry and were done". He shrugged and I pulled down my underwear, and he pulled down his. It may not be the most romantic, but I just wanted to get it over with.

"Your too dry, it's going to hurt worst"

"Fine. Do whatever you need to do" He nodded proceeded to kiss me.

"Please don't stop" I begged as his head made it's way between my legs. I guess I was now prepared because he put a condom on and inserted me. When I say that shit hurt, it really hurt. But after a couple of minutes, I have to say, it was feeling good.

"You feel great" He mumbled kissing my neck. I felt numb. My whole body was numb. I felt like I was high, sex is the best thing on this planet.

After we both reached our peek we laid in silence, I was way to sore to even move a leg.

"Well?" He asked.

"Well what?"

"How was I?"

"Horrible" I lied. He was the complete opposite. On a scale of 1-10, I think he broke my scale.

"I couldn't tell by the way you were moaning". I think my whole face turned red.

"Your beautiful when you blush" He kissed my cheek. Just like from before, I still had no feelings for Chris, this was simply him doing me a favor.

"Thanks, I have to go" I put my clothes on and went back to my dorm, where I found Hazel.

"Your glowing, you had sex didn't you?"

"I don't kiss and tell"

"Oh my god. You did. How was it"

"Amazing. Simply amazing".

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