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"I found someone else."

"T-that's great." I stuttered, not realising the weight that my heart felt as it sunk to the bottom of my chest.

"You know I'll always love you, Ellianah."

"And I'll always love you Gabe, always."

I woke up suddenly, my eyelids struggling to stay open as my tired body shifted the covers from my skin, exposing me to the sudden cold air in the bedroom.

I heard Bodhi's laugh from down the corridor, followed by Bronx's voice telling his brother to calm down. It was mid afternoon but as the days progressed my body felt itself closing down slowly. I was loosing more and more energy and it was too hard for me to stay on my toes all day long.

Perched on the edge of the bed, I slipped on some shorts and a t-shirt, leaving my hair loose. I opened the curtains and let the light pour into the room just as the sun was setting. It was just gone five in the afternoon and I'd slept for two hours which would usually give me enough energy until around ten in the evening.

The noise from outside the bedroom faded and the door opened. Pete walked in, a mug of coffee in his hands and a small smile on his face.

"I thought you'd be awake." He said, handing me the drink.

"Good guess," I took a sip, breathing slowly.

It had been two months since Gabe and I split up. I knew what was happened to me and Gabe knew too. I, being the selfless person I was, forced Gabe to move on. He told me he wanted to stay with me forever, right until the end, but I didn't let him. I knew he would never be able to let go of he didn't before I left. He argued and argued and argued until eventually he saw the rest in my eyes and decided that I was right.

I lived on my own for a few weeks but as my illness got worse, I couldn't cope on my own anymore. Patrick offered his hospitality but with Gabrielle being nine months pregnant, I didn't want to add any extra pressure to their home. And so, I found myself back at Pete's house. It was only when I officially moved back in that I realised it was my home. It held so many memories and it finally connected to me that this was where I belonged.

The kids were happy here and they loved living with Jacob and Bronx. Bronx was a huge help. With Pete still juggling work and trying to look after the kids when I was resting, Bronx stepped in and took over. He was a blessing and I knew that one day he would be the best father to his children.

Brendon, Sarah and Calum welcomed their new adopted daughter, Tia into their lives. She was the cutest girl I had ever seen and she and Calum got on so well, he loved her so much. Coming from an orphanage myself, I knew the feeling of getting adopted and it was one I'll never forget. I owe everything to Patrick, and it's more than I can ever give him.

"How are you feeling?" Pete asked quietly.

I turned to look at him, my head feeling heavy and painful.

"I'm ok, still a little tired but I'm ok." I smiled.

Pete nodded and the two of us sat down together on the bed. We had been sleeping in the same bed for the last month or so since Pete was so worried about me. He wanted to be near be, close to me as long as he could.

"Talk to me, Pete. Tell me something, a story."

I suddenly felt tired again. This time, it was different. The weight was heavier and I felt like I was fading into small pieces, like when you feel yourself falling asleep, yet I was awake.

Pete looked worried as I lay back down, but he sat by my side and draped the blankets over me to keep me warm. His hands graced my skin, his fingers brushing loose hair from my face slowly.

"There was once a boy. He met a girl who turned him into a man. There was nothing more he loved in the world than the girl, but she had magical powers. Everything she touched she made better but there was one thing that she could never make better, and that was herself. She blessed everything around her and lived gracefully, majestically. The man loved the girl with all his heart. Even when they were apart, his heart still beat inside his chest for the girl. She was everything he ever wanted. He loved the girl and, he didn't know if the girl could see it or not. All he wanted was to see her happy, so he tried and tried his best and he hopes he did a good job. The man hopes he made her happy and now, right now he still hopes that she's happy. He loves her and everything to do with her. He always will. There is nobody else, nothing else that can even come close to the love he feels for the girl. It's like magic. She is magic, she is stardust, and she's an angel."

"I love you, Ellianah. I always have done and there won't be a second that goes by that I won't. I'll always think about you. Always. You deserved the world and I gave you as much of it as I could. I love you, forever and always."

And just like that, the light went out. The last thing I felt was a ring sliding into my finger and Pete's lips pressing softly against my own. He was trembling in my arms, shaking as he touched my bare face with his fingertips. I heard his cries softly ring out before everything stopped.

I stopped, the feeling of life stopped and the touch of Pete faded away. I was gone.



there is ONE more chapter left and I'm warning you now get your tissues out

comment and vote, I really want to know your thoughts about this chapter because it's an extremely pivotal moment in the trilogy so tell me your thoughts!!!


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