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Pete inhaled deeply. His eyes were fixed on the dark headstone five metres in front of him. The gold lettering that curved I'm all different ways reminded him of her. Each dip and twist represented their relationship at some point or another and even though it had been a long time, a very long time, he had never really moved on.

Despite finding someone new, Pete never quite got the feeling that Ellianah gave him. He never felt that same happiness inside when his new wife laughed or smiled. Of course, he loved her dearly, he loved her so so much but even she knew that Pete would never be the same again, but it didn't bother her.

It began to rain, making Pete shiver under the grumbles and groans of the dark sky above him. He hadn't timed how long he's been sat in the church yard for, but every time he looked around he felt Ellianah near him. If there was one thing Pete didn't regret, it was marrying Ellianah when he still had the chance.

"Marry me, Ellianah. Marry me. I loved you for as long as I can remember and if there is one thing I want it's to be your husband."

Pete chewed on his lip as the breeze blew Ellianah's beautiful hair behind her as he gazed up at her from down on one knee in the garden.

"I'll marry you, of course I'll marry you!"

Pete distinctly remembered the kiss they shared after she said yes. It was wonderful, so full of love and passion. Ellianah had only been living back with Pete for three weeks but he could tell she didn't have long left. Heck, her fingers were so slim from the weight she'd lost that the ring didn't even stay on her tiny fingers. That's why he placed it back on after she left him. He'd always love her more than anything. Sure, he felt bad for his wife now but it wasn't something he could help.

He glanced at the tall church behind him and the memories of Ellianah's funeral came flooding back.

"Ellianah wasn't just a woman, she was so much more than that. She was a person that even in the darkest of times could make things light again. She was that Ray of sunshine that everybody in the world should be blessed with and yet I was graced with Ellianah, an angel. She taught me to love the little things in life like going on walks in the rain and staring at the clouds until I fell asleep. She taught me that life is worth living no matter what. She gave me children, two beautiful children that I know she loves more than anything in the whole entire world. Ellianah was selfless, she never wanted anything for herself and she always made sure that everyone else was provided for before she even considered her own wellbeing. Ellianah was a blessing. I am in love with her, and I always will be. She's an angel now and she'll be laughing at me right now because I'm just repeating myself but," Pete looked up to the sky, taking a deep breath, "I love you, no matter what anyone says or anyone does, I will always love you."

Looking around the church, Pete saw so many faces he didn't recognises, and so many he did. Amongst the close friends and family, he saw Gabe and his girlfriend sat by Brendon, Sarah and the kids. Ryan and a girl Pete didn't know we're sat at the side of Spencer and Ellianah's family from England. Right at the back of the church, Pete recognised Theo. It was then that he realised how many people Ellianah had touched, how many people held special places for her in their hearts. Ellianah was special, she was an angel.

Sighing, Pete placed down the white lilies - Ellianah's favourite flowers. The rain was hammering down onto the ground and Pete felt guilty for leaving, he didn't want to leave her again. He wanted to stay and talk to her and be by her side, even if she wasn't really there. Pete was in love with Ellianah, and he always would be.

Wiping his eyes with his sleeve, he pulled his phone from his pocket as he jumped into the front seat of the car, answering the call quickly.


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