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        Piper was sitting on the roof of the Aphrodite cabin. Lately the majority of the cabin has been telling her that she doesn't deserve Jason, and that Jason is to good for her. She wanted to not believe them but that's all she thought about lately. It doesn't help that Jason has been at Camp Jupiter for a few weeks helping Frank be a better praetor.

        Before she knew it she was crying, she couldn't stop. The tears kept building up and she didn't know why. Maybe her siblings were correct maybe she didn't deserve Jason, maybe she wasn't good enough, or pretty enough, she didn't even act like an Aphrodite girl. She hated herself, she finally realized that she shouldn't live any longer if Jason hates her.

        Around three hours later she was about to go back in her cabin. She was stil crying and she couldn't stop. Her whole body ached. She could barely move her feet off the roof. When she got to the edge of the roof she felt herself get swept off her feet. Jason. She couldn't help but cry harder.

"Hey. Pipes what's wrong?" Jason questioned.

"It's just.....it's just my cabin, normal Aphrodite drama. Really it's fine."she replied still crying.

"No Piper your not fine tell me what's wrong."

"It's just that the girls keep telling me that I don't deserve you and that I'm not pretty enough to be a Aphrodite girl, and it's getting to me. I mean maybe they're right."

Jason sighed. "Piper you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, and I'm the person that doesn't deserve you I mean have you seen you, you are the best Aphrodite girl there is I don't want some stuck up, makeup obsessed girlfriend, I want you, the, badass Aphrodite girl, with the uneven gourgous brown hair, and mesmerizing eyes. I would never leave you and don't ever for a second think that I would leave you, because I love you and I always will."

Piper was now crying from happiness and threw herself in Jason's arms. "You mean that?"

"I've never been more serious in my life"

"Good. I love you"

"I love you to" he replied right before they kissed. And they swore that the sky turned pink for a second after they stopped.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2016 ⏰

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