1: fan fic·tion

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E R I C K ' S   P O V

I'm currently going through the comments on the Twitter band account when one particular comment caught my eye. I don't know what it is. Maybe the bright red hair covering the girl's face or her twitter name 'Ariel Loves Erick'.

Well that's ironic I think to myself, smiling slightly. I quickly click on her profile. Immediately a link pops up.

Ariel Loves Erick @UghCNCO

(Insert link) It would mean a lot if you checked out my Erick fanfic :))

I've never heard of a fanfic but I would like to know what it is if I have something to do with it. So I do what everyone does when they're confused or want to know something. I go to Google. What would we ever do without Google? I type in 'Fanfic definition'. First thing that comes up is 'short for fan fiction'.

Very helpful I roll my eyes what if I don't know what fan fiction is? 

fan fic·tion


fiction written by a fan of, and featuring characters from, a particular TV series, movie, etc.un: fanfiction

Hmm. Interesting. Would it be weird if I read a fanfic about myself? I don't it would be. I go back to the link and click on it. It takes me to a website called Wattpad which has me create and account. Obviously I cant put my real name so I put the first one that pops into my head.

"ERICK! C'mon we have to leave." Joel calls for me. Pressing 'Sign Up' I stand up from the couch and catch up with the rest of the boys.


A R I E L ' S   P O V

As soon as I put my baby sister, Aliana, in her crib my phone buzzes with a notification from Wattpad.

EliasCncoFanboy has just sent you a message.

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