Chapter Three

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I drew in a breath as they approached. Flight or fight? Well, there certainly was not much of a choice at this point. I had arrogantly stood my ground. Perhaps when I first noticed them I may have  been able to escape but not now. There were no sounds, just the barely audible crunch of autumn's leaves beneath in their steps. There was no doubt in my mind that they knew where I was hiding. I cursed myself internally, seriously how had they picked up my presence? Most were blind-sighted towards my scent. I could only hope I would make it out of this alive- or even just barely. I extended my sharp claws and crouched in an attack position, bracing myself for the worst.

The men were now just across from the waterfall, standing on the piece of land closest to where I was. I sprang to action and jumped through the tumbling water, my growls thundering. I attacked the closest man while still in mid-flight, my claws scraping against his skin causing him to roar in pain. My mauling was interrupted by the others gnawing at my sides. I landed a few feet away from them, my paws overturning the soil. And all at once, we had all jumped into action. I was attacking anything and everything, but there was no doubt that my fate was already sealed. All of the well-built men had already been replaced by hulking wolves at this point. 

I charged at the closet wolf to me, clasping my jaw around their neck and ripping away as another clamped onto my hind leg and started pulling. I ripped away from the already dead wolf whose head had lolled back and snapped at the wolf behind me as two others pounced. I was unable to keep up, like the titanic my fate was already sealed, the figurative boat was already descending towards the ocean's depths. I closed my eyes as I soon became tackled by the wolves all at once, my figure hidden by their powerful bodies and I was buried by the wolves. I was losing blood. I was losing too much blood. With my struggles I was able to peer through their bodies at the shining sun above while they maimed me. The sight in front of me was soon clouded over by a man standing above us grinning at me mischievously. In a matter of mere seconds I was left alone, the wolves moving to stand to the side. Unable to move I just stared at him, and only then I noticed a glinting object in his hand, squinting I saw that it was a dagger. Silver. I cried out, "Why? Why are you doing this to me?" My sobs overtook my body in tremors and my tears began blurring my vision. I did not see him carve me with the knife, but the pain was all there.

Just as fast as it had started it was over. I heard them talking to each other, their Alpha had called to them. I was an unexpected chew toy to them, and they had played with me too long. I still could not see but I could sense them leaving me. I was alone and in agony. I would be lucky if I would survive the night, I was unable to move so I just lay there staring up and waiting.

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