Chapter One

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I awoke with a start. I could sense wolves nearby, normally I would not have noticed which would have been very dangerous but this situation was not all together too preferential. Now that I was seemingly less groggy and more alert, I could pick up the scents of a dozen or so wolves...a pack?

A pack would not be travelling through no-man's land would they? Perhaps they were at war with another and they were off to battle. With a dozen wolves, that theory was most likely not probable. Perhaps, and let's hope this was not the case, it was a rogue pack. The nature of rogue packs befuddled me, if a wolf sought out solitude why then would they settle with others? Surely an established pack would provide better protection, and contrary to popular belief it was not mandatory for all members to reside in the pack house, so why not live in a home on the edge of territory? 

Or, maybe they were just wanderlust wolves. I nearly barked out a laugh at that thought, wolves who desired travel so much they went rogue. The world is a strange place I mused to myself.

I quickly got to my feet and shifted, if they came any closer and were able to sense my presence and in the event of, I needed to be ready. I could feel my pulse thrumming and the racing of my heartbeat, this was not good, I needed to calm myself down. I closed my eyes and took a few small breaths. I tuned in to the noises outside of my small cave, there were countless out there. Their voices would fade in and out of hearing informing me that they were not in wolf form...I was currently at an advantage if they caught me. This was good.

I could hear them approaching. They would probably pass by as there would be no need to go towards the isolated waterfall that hid me. My body started quivering as I realized they were close enough that I could actually make out what they were saying at this point. I silently wished them away, closing my eyes tightly.

I did not want to attack, but if survival was on the line perhaps I had no choice. Why did trouble always find me? The cave I was sleeping in was shallow but kept me safely out of sight. I was hoping that it masked my scent sufficiently. I peered through the cascading water to get a better look. It was a pack of men outside, their ages difficult to pinpoint. Their strength, even in human from appeared brute and a force to be reckoned with. Now I was scared. There was no way I could wipe out a pack of that strength.

Their voices were getting closer, too close for comfort. I found myself unconsciously backing up to the wall of the cave, away from the tumbling tendrils of water.

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