Chapter 19

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I crept around the halls carefully. Making sure that I was very quiet with my walking. Anna was really no where to be found. This was perfect. No Anna around would just be-

"Oh hey Elsa!"


"Heyyyyy Anna...what's up?"

She looked at me skeptically. I was honestly very worried. Why? Because she's fucking Anna that's why.

"What are you doing. I thought you and Hiccup were having sexy time,"

I blushed harder than i should've. I hesitated. I didn't know how to answer that. Then it just got worse. I heard pounding, probaly footsteps, coming up fast behind me. I sigh deeply in annoyance. I knew who it was.

"Elsa! What are yoy doing up?!"

Was this guy fking stupid or something. If he knew me well, then he would know that-

"She wakes up early Kristoff. She's not like me."

I forgot how much I loved Anna. I really did. I mean she knew basically what I was thinking. Eh, I guess we are sisters do we should know at least something about each other.

"Yes. Thank you Anna. Oh and I expect my neice to be named after me."

Hey eventhough I got cutoff, I am not backing away from this plan. No Anna wasn't pregnant, I hope, it's just a little evil plan of mine. I'll just say Anna and Kristoff's face was priceless. They were both full of undefined confusion.

"W-what? Anna....are you,"

I laughed to myself. Silently enjoying what was happening before me.

"No im not. I never even had-"

Oh i had to stop her there. I knew damn well she had sex before. Not only did I have a feeling, I sadly heard.

"Anna, you had sex before I heard you,"

Their faces were amazing. Anna's face was filled with desperate need to run, confusion, a bit of anger, and dying embarrassment. Kristoff's face was filled pure terror. Almost thinking that he was actually gonna be a dad. A little bit of embarrassment also. Hell, his whole face is embarresment.


Just got to say one thing. I was not expecting that response. You know for her to yell and power walk out of the room. It was truly beautiful. I mean I think it was fantastic. I smirked in victory. I looked at Kristoff and smiled at him before walking away. As I was walking away I bumped into someone. He was quite small. He only reached up to my hip.

"I'm sorry! I didn't I didn't im so sorry...."

Awww this little boy is sooo cute.

"It's okay little guy. What made you rush here anyway?"

I said with the best mother voice I could muster. I wasn't mad at him at all. Just didn't want to scare the little guy.

" accidentally kicked a ball into your castle."

Aw. I lifted up my head to only see three kids, which I think were men, snickering behind a bush. Okay. This kid is getting bullied.

"Aww. Thats okay we will just go get it. First, did you actually kick the ball or did someone-"

I pointed at the snickering kids.

"Kick it instead. If that's the case I may have to ask you to bring in your family. For a good reason I promise."

The boy looked almost dumbfounded at my conclusion of the kids. I looked back over hos head. The snickering had stopped. I smiled.

"I didn't kick it. They just wanted me to get in trouble...because your like the queen and...really pretty."

I smiled at him. I think it's safe to say that I loved this kid. He's sooo cute!

"Oh well that isn't very nice don't you think?"

I can't wait to meet this boys family. I want to give everything they want. To rub it in the boy's faces. He nodded. Before I asked anything else I needed to know his name.

"So to no be strangers. Hi my name is Elsa,"

I said sticking my hand out in a gesture to shake it. He hesitated than he took my hand I smiled.

"Hi my name Jamie Bretur. I am um an orphan...sorry...that im sorry. Im sorry.."

What...he's an orphan. Awwww.....poor Jamie. Wait he's an orphan...maybe I could

"Elsa? I'm gonna go now.."

"Oh no! Im sorry Jamie! It's fine...hey do you wanna stay here for a bit?"

I saw Jamie's face light up. I hope Hiccup will like him.

"I wouldn't want to barge in, your majesty."

Oh he is soo cute.

"Nonsense, come on in,"

I led him in the castle doors, happy that he agreed. I was gonna make sure that Jamie was well taken care of in my cousidy.

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