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"Staying" with Mrs.Kyle eventually turned into "living" with Mrs.Kyle. For the past six years in fact. I found out that my mom actually put me up for adoption four years ago. Mrs.Kyle told me that she needed to handle something on her own and that she would be back for me. That's why I never got upset before. I knew that she would come back. I've accepted the fact that I had to stay here for a while until my mom was ready but as each year went by, I just kept thinking, what if she never comes to get me.

Last year is when I gave up. I gave up on hope and on her. She brought me here knowing that I wouldn't know exactly what was going on but I'm 17 now and I know she isn't coming back. She probably never even wanted me. And even if she did want me, why give me up? I don't know where she is but I think that's what she wanted.

A couple of years ago, Mrs.Kyle told me that a family wanted to adopt me and she asked if I would be okay with it but I told her no. I was waiting for my mom but now I see that was a bad idea. Just yesterday Mrs.Kyle told me that the Styles family looked at my files and said that I fit their description. I slept through the night. Well I attempted to at least. I kept tossing and turning thinking about who these people were. And that brings us to today.

"Evana I would like you to meet Mr. and Mrs. Styles." She introduces as a very petite woman and a tall man stand in front of us. She told me a few things about them yesterday but I barely listened. I remember the woman's name is Susan and the man's name is Rick. They also have a son but his name I don't remember. "Hello." Susan breathes. My eyes widen slightly when I notice her accent.

"Hi." Is all I say. "It's amazing to finally meet you." Rick smiles sticking his hand out for me to shake. "You too." I say as I shake his hand. They both look at me in awe like I was some three year old. "Well all we have to do is some paper work and then that's it." Mrs.Kyle says breaking the unbearable silence. "Of course." Susan smiles before following Mrs.Kyle into her office. I sigh deeply and walk over to the main room.

"Eva." Bethany says as she walks towards me. "Beth. Hey." I smile. "So." She starts dragging out the word. "They're here for you?" She asks. "Yeah." I sigh. She looks down. "Are they nice?"

"Yeah. So far." I tell her. She looks down at her fiddling fingers. "I'm gonna miss you." She sighs. Her voice strains a little. "I'm gonna miss you too." I sigh before pulling her into a tight hug. I am going to miss her. While everyone else had friends to paint and play with, I was alone. Until Bethany came and became the only reason why I would look forward to getting up out of bed in the morning.

After a while of Beth and I talking everyone comes out of Mrs.Kyle's office. "Are we ready to go?" Susan asks as she walks into the room. I pull Bethany into one last hug before grabbing my bags. "I will get those sweetheart." Rick says before taking them from my hands. I smile and nod in appreciation. I look over to Mrs.Kyle and smile slightly. She opens her arms causing me to chuckle. I walk over to her and fall into her arms. "Be good. I love you." She says before pulling away.

If I could say anything about Mrs.Kyle I would say that she has grown to be another mother to me. She taught me the basic things about how to be a somewhat of a normal kid. "I will. I promise." I smile before following Mr. and Mrs. Styles towards the door.

Here we go....

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